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Our time together seemed to fly by at a rapid pace. People were slow to accept us, as was expected after that first day. The constant glares would follow me wherever I went, but only when I wasn’t around Derek. Which was actually very rare, considering he would go out of his way to walk me to class, or just be near me and see me. Not a day went by that he didn’t tell me he loved me, and not a day went by that I didn’t say the same to him. To say I was happy was the biggest understatement of the year. I was so beyond happy it was like a whole Wonderland of emotion. It was uncontrollable and amazing at the same time. Still, I was so afraid. Every day I needed to hear him say those three words, just to know it wasn’t a dream, that he truly cared about me. My mind and heart were so used to being used, that we expected it now. Only, it never came. Never did I feel the wrath of a cruel joke from Derek. Instead he protected me every chance he got. I stayed at his house from then on, for my mother feared that my dad would never leave us be. After the divorce was done, we continued to get harassed by his friends and coworkers. Sometimes even by him. I had tried to stay with Mom, but it couldn’t work out. So we all agreed it was best for me to stay with Derek. Not that we were complaining or anything. He and his mother took care of me throughout the next two years of my time in high school. He refused to go to college without me, which we ended up doing together right after I finished school. Jessie stayed close to us, having gotten her own apartment soon after the first summer out of school. She was a frequent guest and friend to us ever since. Now she and I are contributing to the world of fashion, designing whole new outfits and dresses. Derek became a manager of the best guitar shop in town, and was loved by anybody that would walk in. watching teen girls flirt with him was hell on earth the first couple of times. But then after he gave me a job in the shop, we stayed close again. He would purposely kiss me in front of the flirtatious females, showing them to back off of my man.

A year passed after we finished college when something took place. Derek and I sat at the edge of one of the nearby lakes in town. The air was peaceful in mid-fall, my favorite season of the year. Birds sang like a romantic movie in the trees. We were watching a couple of ducks glide along the glimmering water. He took my hand in his and smiled at me. Then he took his other hand and lightly stroked my hair. After high school I changed it to more of a natural auburn color. It was growing down to the middle of my back. I loved it. And I loved him, this man, this wonderful and perfect boyfriend. He slowly lowered himself to the ground, taking me with him. I let my head rest against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. It seemed to follow the beat of mine in synch. His chest raised and lowered slowly with each breath he took. His fingers were still interlocked with my own, his grip getting tighter yet soft. His other arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me as close as possible. I closed my eyes, content with the life I was living. The grass felt so soft and fresh beneath us. The trees made rustling sounds as a light breeze drifted through their leaves. “Aaron…” I opened my eyes and looked up at him. The most beautiful shade of brown stared back at me. He had cut his hair not too long ago, it wasn’t drastic, but it was shorter than I had been used to. either way it was perfect. So much softer than any kind of fabric that could be found. He was clean shaven and his skin was like golden caramel. Everything about him I loved, every last detail I could see was perfect. Quietly I asked, “Yes?” Derek smiled a wonderful smile and asked back, “You know I love you right?” I nodded my head. “Are you happy with me? With what we have?” I disentangled myself and sat up. “Of course I am. We have a great apartment with great neighbors, friends who are always there, your mother who is the most supportive person I’ve ever met. As for you yourself, I couldn’t possibly be happier. You’re the perfect person, somebody I never want to lose.  I’ve loved you for years and in no way is that going to stop any time soon. What we have is the best thing to ever happen to me.” He sat up next to me with the smile still plastered on his face. “Do you want this to last… forever?” My eyes widened in understanding. “What are you planning?” he chuckled and reached into his jeans pocket, from which he pulled out a small black box. He got on his knee and recited, “Aaron, I love you for now, and forever. Everything about you is like a blessing and a dream. This life is a dream I never want to wake up from. I just hope that you would stay dreaming with me. Please, will you make me the happiest person to have lived and marry me?” The box was opened to reveal a silver ring with a small emerald on it. My breathe was stolen from me. Emerald was my birthstone, and I had always wanted one as a symbol of who I was. He knew that. He had remembered. And now he used it to ask me to spend the rest of my life loving him. Slowly, hardly believing this was real, I leaned forward and placed our lips together. I held them there for what felt like eternity. He looped his arms around my waist, never wanting to let go. My own arms went around his neck, pulling him closer if that was even possible. Breaking the connection, I looked right into those perfect brown irises and told him, “Of course. All this time, I just wanted you to know who I am.” He grinned and replied, “And I have the rest of my life to know you.” We sealed our love in another everlasting kiss, forgetting the pain of this broken world, forgetting any troubles we had ever faced. For now we knew, and would never forget, that we always would have each other. And now I knew, that love was more than my forte. It was to be the best part of my life.

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