Chapter 1

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Eliza's P.O.V. (Pic is Eliza)

School. I thought as I heard my alarm blaring into my ears. I checked the clock 6 am right on the dot. I rolled out of my bed grabbing my phone sending Cameron and Dallas a text telling them to get ready seeming that we had cheer practice in 30 minutes.

I quickly showered before changing into my PINK sweats and shirt. I quickly grabbed my outfit for after practice. I was almost lucky enough to not be stopped by my fourth step mom Leah.

"Hun, your father wanted to see you before you leave."

I ignored her before grabbing my car keys and running to my car. I couldn't handle them this early.

Oh if you don't know who I am, I'm Eliza Ashton. I live with my dad and his lady of the year. I have no siblings and I haven't seen my real mom since I was 7 because she ran off to be a movie star. She hasn't made it yet.

My best friends and only people I even talk to besides my boyfriend Kyle Stephen are Cameron Renée and Dallas Everton.  We've been friends since the 1st grade where we all got seated near each other.

Anyways I drive to Cameron's house just as her weird older brother was getting home.

"Hey, Eli," he said as Cam came running to my car.

"Troy go away," Cam said before hopping into my car.

Then we were off to go pick up Dal. As I pulled up to her house, her father and mother were leaving to go to work. I waved at them as they drove off. Dal came out holding her 3 year old nephew's hand giving us a shit look,

"What's up dal," I say as I get out of the car.

"My stupid sister didn't pick him up so I don't know what to do. I can't just leave him here."

"Put him in the back seat with us and we'll make a quick stop at your sisters house. If she's not there we'll take him to cheer practice with us."

She buckled him up in his car seat before we drove his house. His mom of course wasn't there.

Did I forget to mention how much of a slut his mom is? She never sleeps with the same guy more than once and is always sleeping around so her parents are raising her son.

As we got to cheer practice all the girls stared at us as we walked in carrying Zachariah.

He sat on the floor on a blanket playing with some toys while we practiced. About halfway through cheer practice, Trynlee (Dals sister) picked up Zachariah.

After cheer practice we all quickly got ready for school. I looked at Dal and Cam before looking to see if anyone was in ear shot distance.

"You know we'd be kick ass moms."

"Yeah, we would," Cam said laughing as she brushed my comment off her shoulder.

"No, I'm being for real. We have basically raised Zachariah and he's amazing."

"Yeah, so?"

"Why don't we have kids?"

"I don't know because we are literally only 17," Dal said turning towards me.

"So, my dad is a millionaire and he had me when He was 18."

"That doesn't mean anything Eli, we aren't going into law school or have rich parents."

"Cam, Dal, Come on! You can both move into my dads and we can raise our babies together."

"Fine," Dal said nodding,

"As long as my boyfriend is ok with it."

I jumped with joy now if we can get the boys on the same page, I thought as we walked to class.

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