Chapter 5

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Cameron's P.O.V.

It's the weekend meaning hopefully I'll be pregnant by the end of this. I hopped out of bed pretty early today since Alex was planning on picking me up pretty early so we can spend all weekend in bed.

I was curling my hair as my mom came walking in.

"Cameron you do realize it's 8 in the morning."

"Yes mom, you said I could go one to Eliza's for breakfast and a weekend sleepover so I asked Alex to take me there."

She just mouthed oh as she walked out of the bathroom to the twins room. I heard her wake them up one at a time.

Them being 15 years old they didn't want to wake up but they had doctors appointment and such today. Troy came walking into the house as I saw Alex pull up.

As I walked past my brother I could smell the alcohol, weed and sex on him but I pretended I didn't so I wouldn't start anything. I mean he's a 20 year off man.

Alex smiled at me as we pulled away from the house. We drove to our favorite abandon bridge to spice things up a bit.

After an amazing experience, we drove to his house where his brother Victor was with his fiancée Zoé. She smiled at me rubbing her 9 months pregnant tummy and getting up to get there 12 month old son Jacob.

As we got to Alex's room, Alex started to panic.

"Cam, what if I can't get you pregnant? I mean my family is fertile people but what if I'm different."

"Alex, I know I'm probably pregnant all ready. I can feel it working."

He nodded before we had sex again. And again and again and again.

I knew I was pregnant. I knew we had just made a beautiful blessing.

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