Chapter 10

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-Cameron's P.O.V.-

I woke up this morning feeling so nervous to see my tiny baby in me. I couldn't imagine what it'll look like. I call Dal to calm my nerves since Eli is still sleeping.

"Dal, is it crazy that today we are going to see our babies!"

"Beyond crazy but so exciting and I'm just so happy about it."

"Same, how far along do you think you are?"

"No idea! I'm kind of scared dude."

"Same.. I have to go.. My bitchy mom is walking up the stairs. See you when your mom picks me up."

I quickly say before hanging up just as my mom walks in. The air is cold as she walks in. We haven't spoke since the announcement..

"Cameron, I was you moved out by tonight. Jacin and Kevin don't need your influence in their lives."

She turned and walked out right after saying that not even giving me time to react. I wanted to be mad but I was happy. This is my way out of this hell Ive been trapped in since dad left us. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was only 10 when he left and i asked him to take me and Troy but mom wouldn't let him. I occasionally get a letter every once and a while from him and his new wife and my baby sister Katie. I actually have never seen her but she's 6 and i heard looks like my dad from my grandma.

I get otu of bed and start packing up after getting dressed. I'll ask Eli if i can move in their since they have 100000 bedrooms or so it seems. I turned on Selena Gomez's new song Kill them with kindness and had a packing dance party. Soon my phone was buzzing and it was Eli on the other line.


"Heyyy Cammie. So my appointment is right after yours and Dal's, want me to give you a ride ot school after?"

"Yeah definitely. Actually can i ask for a huge favor?"

"Whats up?"

"Queen bitch kicked me out.. Can I come live with you and your dad?"

"Yes duh. We have room for you and your baby always."

"OK thanks. Ill only pack the necessities. I got to go Dal is outside with her mom. Love you"

I hung up and ran out to my second moms car. She smiled and turned on music as we drove to the doctors office. Dal looked so terrified as we all checked in and sooon Eli was there along with her dad.

"Sorry. he was excited."

Dal and I laugh at Eli's apology before I was called back. I waved by to the girls before being escorted to a room and told the doctor would be right in. I looked down at my phone to see that Alex texted me asking why I wasnt at school yet. I forgot I hadnt told him.

"Miss Renee?"


"Hello, Im your doctor Dr. Anderson. Today we are here to see how far along you are is that correct?"


She nodded before taking a vaginal ultrasound. OUCH!!!! It was not by any means pleasant.

"Looks like you are 3 weeks along. Congratulations."

She then told me a lot of health advice and advised me to no longer do cheer leading or hard sports. I just listened and thought of ways to tell my boyfriend it had worked. We are now parents.

I walked out of the room and they took Dal in there along with her mom. I sat with Eli and her dad who was looking at divorce paperwork. I guess wife number 1000 isn't working out. I texted Alex that we need to talk ASAP and sent a love heart not to sound mad.

Dal soon came out with her mom and Eli and her dad went back. Weird right haha.. Dal's mom soon left because of work and it was just Dal and I in the waiting room to i should Dal my ultrasound which looked like literally nothing while she showed me hers.

Eli came out and said goodbye to her dad who was teary eyed before showing us the ultrasound. We all were close but Dal was two weeks ahead of me and Eli was 1. We all hugged before walking out to the car and heading to school.

Alex met us in the parking lot and boy did he look worried. I guess the love heart didn't ease things for him like it did for me. We walked to his car in silence and he finally broke it as we got to the car.

"What is going on Cam."

I didn't speak. I didn't know how to tell him I was pregnant so I just handed him the ultrasound along with the heartbeat video i had on my phone. He broke down.

"That's our baby?"

"Yes, Al.. That's our baby. I'm 3 weeks along"

He hugged me and touched my belly. He beamed at the thought that he made this. I told him everything that had happened in the past day and he got mad at my mom and asked if I had contacted my dad about it. I shook my  head of course because i hadn't thought of contacting him to tell him he is gonna be a granddad.

Alex then said we should get to school so he and i walked into class hand in hand.

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