Chapter 4

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Eliza's P.O.V.

Lunch time was upon us and I walked to Kyle's class to walk to lunch together. I reached him just as I received a text from Cam saying Alex was in. I was so angry that I had yet to get Kyle to agree of even tell him.

He walked out of chemistry looking at me with a smile. I can't believe I have been dating this guy since I was 14.

"Hey beautiful," he said before kissing me.

"Ky, we need to talk."

"What's wrong?"

"I want a baby and we'll all the other girls are planning on getting pregnant."

He just nodded before telling me alright and to come over tonight. We just reached the lunch room where we met the rest of our group.

Alex and Cameron were texting each other I guess about the baby thing all lunch. Maybe he was having second thoughts about it. Dal and Scott were being super clingy to each other.

After lunch I had dance team practice so I quickly ran to class. My dance teacher gave me a look as to say you are late. I nodded and took my position.

After an hour of dance practice, I had algebra with the girls so I walked to class smiling at the girls as I sat down next to them.

We passed notes the whole class period and soon it was time to go home or in my case drop the girls off then go to Kyle's.

"Alex and I are planning on trying to make a baby this weekend," Cam said as we got into my car.

"Same here," Dal said.

I nodded since they knew my plans for the day. I dropped them off after we got some food.

I arrived at Kyle's just as his parents were leaving. They waved at we as they drove off. Kendrick (his sister) came walking down the stairs ask entered the house.

"My brothers upstairs", she mumbled before walking out the door.

I slowly walked up the stairs to the room I knew oh too well. Hey, don't judge. I never said I was a virgin.

Kyle had already taken it upon himself to get naked and comfortable in bed when I walked in. He motioned me towards him.

Things got hot and heated and soon enough, we were having sex without a condom.

After our steamy night, I fell asleep for a couple of hours. I woke to it being around 10 pm so I quickly got up and dressed before I ran out the door.

Shit, I'm late. I promised my dad I would eat dinner with him and whatever her name is.

I walked into my home just as I heard my father clear his voice.

"Eliza Jane Ashton, where were you? Why didn't you pick up your damn cellphone?"

"Dad, I was with my boyfriend Kyle. We were watching movies so I silenced my phone."

He just nodded before pointing at my room telling me to go there. This is one of the few nights he's here so I understood why he was so angry.

I ran up the stairs plopping on my bed as I got there texting the girls what had happened before showering and falling asleep.

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