Chapter 8: The Hanging Noose

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I saw the late ones come in and gave them that what do you think you're doing here so late look. "Sorry Adam, me and uhh... me and (Y/N) slept in this morning." I winked at him and then said "Okay get your work done sleepyheads." (Y/N) agreed as did Max and Tim, but Ross looked like he wasn't paying attention at all. "Ross! You need to record a solo video okay?" Ross turned toward his office with his solitary thumb pointing up.

I felt the tears trying to escape I didn't know what to do. I made sure Adam wasn't watching me anymore and headed to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and hid in the bathroom. I had long sleeves so I could hide it afterwards. I slowly and deeply gave myself a cut hoping that the more I experienced the pain the less I had to think about her, my crush, taken from me by Max. I accidently cried out when I was making 13th or so cut. I heard quick footsteps and I heard Barney's voice, "Ross you okay man?"

"Yeah, Barney I'm fine just stubbed my toe."

"ouch, try not to hurt yourself Ross."

"Got it!" I told him through lying teeth. I couldn't stand this! The pain was not enough. I knew what I could do and sprang into action going out during lunch time.

Ross hadn't really done anything all day and he was avoiding everyone. He gone out for lunch and was back with a few bags filled with whatever and he went into the kitchen more snacks, of course. I wasn't watching for five minutes and Ross' office door was closed. Maybe he was actually recording something. Not but 20 minutes later I hear a loud noise a chair had been knocked down and there was also a loud gasp of air. I walked towards Ross' office and found him hanging himself. I tried opening the door but it was locked and I commenced to try and break the glass. Others heard me and one finally asked "Sky, what are you doing?" I shouted at them through tears worried for my friend, "ROSS IS HANGING HIMSELF!!!!" They all moved Max trying to help me with the glass, another calling the police, etc. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder I must have dislocated it, but right now Ross' life was more important and with one final blow the glass gave way. Me and Max stabled ross and got him out of the noose he was gasping for air and he didn't look good. Like he was crying then I saw it, a video being uploaded its title only read I'm sorry. I quickly canceled the upload and sat down crying. Why? Why Ross?

The guys wouldn't tell me what was wrong all I know is that it was important enough to break a window office and call an ambulance for Ross. I was editing while blasting my music when I heard Adam shout something. I investigated and everyone was doing something I saw my sweet Max helping Adam I tried to walk over to help but Barney stopped me and said, "No,
you don't need to know this maybe later though." So I sat down at Max's desk and waited. Finally the action was gone Max hadn't gone yet to follow Ross but I could see his concern and I was flustered. "Max what happened."

"They didn't tell you?" I shook my head and he picked me up off the chair and led me to the hollow window frame. I only had to look at the hanging noose to realize what happened. "Max... why did?" "I don't know, let's go to the hospital okay?"

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