Chapter 17: Weekend At Brads Part 2

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(Make sure you guys look at my previous chapter/post and comment on the character names the questions you wanna ask! Also I say my thank yous!)

Maggie's POV,

"Mummy can daddy put me to bed?" Angie yawned as we were sitting down in the sofa watching Tangled. It's Angie's favourite, and I'm sure Brad heard her tell Justin she loves it, so he brought it. It was at the end now though, and it was half nine, which is usually Angie's bed time, well her bed time is earlier than this, but today was an exception.

"You've got to ask daddy that not me," I tell her and she looks at Brad with a massive smile on her face.

"Please daddy can you sing me to sleep?" Angie changes her words slightly.

"Of course, you have Bella?" He asks her mentioning to her build a bear.

"Of course daddy don't be silly, Bella goes everywhere with me!" She giggles as if it was obvious and the two make their way upstairs. I've learnt that Summer and James went on holiday to Bora Bora, and that Lizzie and Tris are at Tris's parents house for the weekend. Con is around somewhere, he promised Brad not to bring a girl around this weekend, for the sake of Angie.

"Oh my god Maggie it's been ages!" Con walks through the door and jumps on the sofa and Ito me squashing me.

"Con get your fat ass off of me you child obsessed with Harry Potter and lizards!" I giggle and he shakes his head in refusal.

"I missed you in the house! You're not allowed to leave!" He chuckles and holds onto me. I realise just how much I've actually missed them all. I wish the others were here too, but I guess I'll have to wait longer to see them all.

"Bless you, but seriously get off you're crushing my bones," he does so and I breathe finally.

"How's you been?" Con asks.

"I've been good, more confused now," I sigh.

"Confused? Come on spill it all to your favourite Connor," he sits next to me and pulls me into his chest in a friendly matter.

"I don't know," I sigh and lean into him. "Since Brad and I have been getting along so well recently I'm confused about my feelings, I don't hate him anymore Con, if anything I'm falling for him again." I feel tears in my eyes.

"And why is that a bad thing? Angie would have her dad back! What's wrong with that?" He asks confused.

"Because I'm with Justin! God Connor I love him, but when I was kissing him this morning the feelings weren't as strong. And then when I kissed Brad later, BAM! Feelings everywhere," I explain myself to him only to look up at him to see him smirking.

"You and Brad made out again?" He lifts an eyebrow.

"What you mean again? Of God he told you? You must think I'm a right slut..." I feel ashamed.

"Of course he told me! Maggie I don't think you're a slut, if anything I want you to break up with that dick you've been with. You've brought Brad right down running of to him," he seems annoyed.

"Con you know I had to. I had to leave. The fact that Justin was there and then I fell for him was something that just happened, that wasn't planned." I sigh and get up. "I'm going to go, night Con,"

"Maggie I didn't mean to upset you," he quickly panics.

"I know Con, I'm just tired," I fake smile and walk up. I walk into the spare bedroom and see Angie asleep, and Brad isn't in the room. I get into my pjs and lay next to her.
"You know you might as well be dead!" He looked deep into my eyes.

"No, you don't mean that..." I cry out as Justin walks towards me with a frown on his face.

"I do, you cheat and expect me to support you? Who is it? Hmmmmm? Me or him?" He point into the darkness. I look to where he's pointing and see Brad tied to a chair, with ropes around his hands and tape over his mouth. His eyes are pleading me to help him.

"Let him go!" I scream and hear a gun shot.

I Spring out of bed breathing heavily. Looking to my right, I see Angie sleeping peacefully. After a moment of studying her and calming my breathing I get out of bed, then out of the room. Slowly and quietly I make my way to Brad's room, opening the door hoping it doesn't creak. Unfortunately, it does. He moves in his sleep before sitting up and turning on the lamp. I guess he was expecting Angie more than me because he's confused.

"Mags?" He says and I close the door behind me, making my way to his bed, and sliding in where my side would be. He doesn't question it, and lays back down opening his arms for me which allows me to cuddle up to him. His arms locks around me and I feel safe. "What's up beautiful?" He kisses the top of my head.

"Had a bad dream, and I missed you..." I say truthfully, looking up at him. There's a small smirk on his face, obviously happy with himself that I've missed him. I know this is wrong and that I have Justin, but I also have Brad. And right now, I need Brad more than Justin.

"I'll keep you safe, like I always promised you," he pulls the covers over me and I cuddle into his bare torso.

"You're not naked are you?" I lift an eyebrow.

"So what if I am?" He challenges.

"Brad seriously..."

"No, I have boxers on, Incase Angie was going to come in during the night." He traces patterns on my back through my shirt. I relaxed and closed my eyes. Brad turned off the bedside lamp and got comfy. "Now sleep Mags," he whispers kissing the top of my head again while I just nod, liking the feeling of him holding me.

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