Chapter 36: Another Secret

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❤️I died because of that pic, line comment and request❤️
Brad's POV,

I place the fag between my lips and light it, letting the poisonous chemicals fill my lungs. I wait a little while, then breathe out the remainder so I don't start suffocating.

"Does Maggie know about this?" Tris asks as he sits next to me. We were currently on the balcony of the studio. We were doing a come back album, but you didn't hear that from me ok?

"No," I sigh. "And she's not going to either," I send him the evils and he shakes his head disappointed.

"You can't keep secrets from her! Brad for fuck sake this last one just nearly cost you everything you just got back! Knock some sense into yourself or I'll knock it into you," he rolls his eyes as I take another puff.

"It's my body Tris, I can't help it that it wants it. If my councillor can't convince me to stop I doubt it you can." I roll my eyes back at him. He takes a step closer to me and take the fab from my mouth, throwing it over the balcony.

"The fuck? Are you feeling ok? The hell Tristan! That was my last one that I just rolled!" I say frustratedly.

"Good! If you're not going to tell her you're not going to do it. What is she going to tell Angie when you die of lung cancer? Your daddy loved you but decided to slowly kill himself to be away from us!" He spits at me, which sends me over the edge and I lunge myself at him, throwing punches at the tall skinny chicken. What he said made sense, but I'm not slowly killing myself.

"I fucking hate you Tristan! I'm not killing myself to get away from them!" I trip him over and keep throwing punches at his face.

"Brad made get off of him!" James runs up to us and pulls me off of him, I struggle like a six year old who you're trying to take away from a sweet store.

"He's nothin the but a right twat!" I shout. Soon Connor also comes out, and hangs up the phone to whoever he was calling. Probably that new girl of his.

"I'm not, you just can't handle the truth!" Tris sits himself up, Con giving him a tissue for his slightly bloody nose. Tris and I have never had a fight, never argued, am I loosing my best friend because of my actions?

"What the fuck?" Joe walks out confused. "Did neither of Tradley have sex for a week or did you really just fight?" He chuckles and checks Tristan's nose. "It's fine mate, just clean it up," he tells him.

"What truth..?" Con and James both say at the same time and I send evils to Tris. He was the only one who knew, because I thought I could trust my best friend. I guess not.

"Aren't you going to tell them Bradley? Oh don't forget the part where Maggie doesn't even know," he emphasised what he's sayin and I try to launch myself at him again, but get held back by James. I should of gone to gym with him when he was offering, then I wouldn't look so weak.

"Brad..?" Joe lifts his eyebrow, as all eyes focus on me.

"What do you all care? I smoke ok? I have done since everything turned shit and you all turned away from me, telling me everything was wrong!" I say through gritted teeth.

"We didn't turn away from you," Joe sighs.

"Yeah Brad, we supported you, sorted you out a councillor to get better," Con quietly chips in, probably trying to avoid a bloody nose or end up like Tris. A bruise is forming on his left eye, I feel so bad, but he wound me up, I can't control my actions at times.

"We would never turn on our best friend, our brother," here comes James on his train of forever happiness. You might be wondering why this is such a big deal? Because when I broke down they all blamed me do our career going down hill a bit and everything else. I didn't want them all to know.

"Happy now Tris?" I sarcastically laugh.

"No, Maggie needs to know," he says, and Joe sighs.

"You can't make him tell her, it's his choice and he needs to prepare himself, Tris he's still not perfect," Joe reminds him.

"Don't talk about me like I'm some doll needing changes to become perfect! Fuck this shit James let me go," I sigh.

"We don't mean it like that," James sighs.

"Well at least consider telling her?" Con chips in quietly again.

"I'm not considering anything! Why can't you guys let me live life the way I want to? It is my life, my body, m relationship! Unless someone is jealous," I send the evils to the guy with the bloody nose once more.

"I have Lizzie, but I wouldn't be surprised if she left you for keeping more secrets, I wouldn't want to be with someone who hid stuff from me!" He shakes his head. I get free from James's grip and walk through the studio, picking up my leather jacket and putting it on, checking my keys and phone is in it and make my way to the car. I get in and start the engine, not bothering with the seatbelt.

Why can't everyone just butt out of my business? It's my life, my body. They all seem to have their heads obsessed with Maggie and Angie. Is it because they don't want them to leave?

I don't want them to leave either. I love the girls to pieces, and couldn't be happier that they are back with me. It's amazing waking up and holding Mags close, or getting woken up because Angie had a bad dream and wants to cuddle or that she's hungry. Just thinking about them I calm myself down instantly.

But then I think about it all again. I'm not going to fuck it all up am I? It's just a fag or two a week, it's not like I smoke boxes a day. I don't do it in front of them either, so I don't understand why everyone is in a pissy. I drive to the modelling place and park, deciding to wait for them.

@TheVampsTris: even if we fight I will always love my brother, that shithead💩

The thing is, from me over reacting everyone will feel sorry for him and no one will consider my side and feelings. I feel guilty and decide to text him.

1 text to: Skinny Chicken
Look man, I am sorry, I got wound up, something a beer could fix?

1 text from: Skinny Chicken
Already forgiven. I was an ass, I should be apologising I got what I deserve. And yeah, Tradley forever, see ya man.

Well, maybe I didn't fuck up as bad as I thought I might of. Just another secret to keep, right?

❤️drama lol, line comment and request❤️

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