The Day

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Rhett and Links were lucky enough to find a babysitter willing to babysit all there hectic kids.

'Christy, let's go. Who are you dressing up for? We're just meeting the McLaughlins, ' I said at the door.
'I'm coming. Just put my shoes on,' she said walking out. She was as beautiful as a flower, as always. Her dark blue shirt fit perfectly align to her pants.
'You look beautiful sweetheart' I whispered after I kissed her forehead lightly.
                     •          •          •
We meet the two in front of the bar sign that said 'Corner Bar'.
'I hope this is a good place,' I glaced over at Rhett, that was already looking at me.
'Yeah, let's hope man,' he responded.
We went inside, and not even half an hour later we had our 3rd beer. We definitely aren't a heavy weight. We became buzzed after half of the 3rd. Music was playing, people were talking. The ladys found some people to talk to, while drinking wine.
'Ill teke a cula rem' Rhett slurred.
'Make that two please.' I said. He's obviously a lightweight. More lightweight than I.
*Five cola rums and hiccups later*
The ladys left an hour ago after telling the bartender to call a cab after he was ready for us to leave.
'Noooo. I cent even imm..imagine beeeing. Gay. Man.' Bare with me, I'm drunk. I can't hold my liquor well.
'You. You want to. Bet man?' Rhett stares at me.
'Man. You. You don't have the guts. To do any. Thing gay.' After I spoke my last sentence he pressed his lips to mine. It felt like a warm welcome of when we were kids, with booze. I caressed my hand onto his cheek when he opened his mouth. It felt like the whole bar wasn't around anymore. Just us. No loud people or music. Just him, his lips, and me.

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