Chapter 4

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Morning came and Mary held her son. Her beautiful 4 month old son. She looked into his eyes, the same eyes thay belonged to his father. She wanted to go back to Francis. Yet she feared that he wouldn't accept her or their son. She left her son who was still asleep, and went to look for Catherine and Claude. She sighed after just a few minutes and gave up. She immediately went to eat breakfast by herself. 'I remember how every morning me and Francis would always wake up and eat breakfast together. He would walk with me and hold my hand as we came to our table', she looked as those thoughts floated about in her mind. "Mary?" "Who's there?" "It's me Claude" "What is it Claude?" "Are you aware that we need to recruit soldiers, nobles and supporters?" "It's fully aware. When are we going." "At noon. So be ready with James" "I can't bring him with us" "Why not?" "He's too young to be traveling this much" "Mary, if they see that you, the queen, has given Francis a healthy baby boy that will be the future king of France, they'll be more support and most likely everyone will turn their backs on Lola" "Well........yes but.......well fine" "Ok I'll leave you to get ready then"
Time skip
They left at noon and went to a nearby town. Little did they know what will be ahead. Mary held her son close to her without letting him go. Little James, looked at his mother with his beautiful eyes and smile. He let out a soft giggle and Mary kissed his forehead in response to his affectionate attitude. Catherine looked at her grandson. She remembered when she held her son's and daughters the same way Mary did. "He's wonderful", Claude said breaking the silence. "Thank you. He resembles Francis more than me" "Well if you ask me, he has your nose and smile", Catherine had said smiling the entire time. They soon arrived the the town and entered the gates. Mary walked in with pure excitement, bravery and grace. As soon as she entered the town with Catherine and Claude by her side soldiers appeared. "There's the Princess Claude and Queen Catherine. Along with Mary of Scottzs." "Arrest them!", they shouted. They tried to run but we're blocked from evey side. "Catherine what's going on?" "I don't know but don't worry".
Time skip
They were taken to where Francis was. "Why are you arresting us?" "Queen's orders" "You fools, Mary is the Queen of France. Lola is nothing but the king's mistress!" "Silence!", shouted a guard to Claude. "Where are we going?" "You are going to be either in front of the King or in front of the Queen of France". Mary hoped that they would be in front of Francis instead of Lola. She feared Lola would kill her son on the spot. They soon arrive the throne room and Mary held James tight as she kneeled along with Catherine and Claude. "Well look who came back after a year without a word", Francis said. "Francis she's your wife" "Mother Mary left me! I'm her husband! She left and didn't even tell me or talked to me about it!" "Francis. Please listen to me. I know you're angry", Mary said with tears rolling down her face, "but don't replace me. I love you more than anything. I just needed to go to Scotland to help my people. I know I was wrong for leaving without telling you. But I was sadden to see you happy with Lola and your son with her. I wanted to runaway because of that as well." "Mary I love you! Why did you leave! Did you realize how worried I was!" "If you were so worried why did you make Lola your queen and wife!", Mary snapped, "If you love me why did you replace me with her! Because she had given you a son already?!" "How dare you speak to me that way!". James started to cry. Mary tried to soothe him so Francis would ignore the child. "Who's child is that?!". Mary looked down and did everything to calm her son. "Mary stand up", Francis demanded. Mary stood but her back was facing Francis. " Look at me!" She refused and stayed on her spot. Francis came up to her and snatched the child from her arms. "No let him go! Francis let of my son!" "Is he mine?" "Yes! Now let him go! Give him back to me!", Mary shouted and tears rolled faster down her face. Francis looked at the child and smiled. His smile calmed his son. As if he knew that Francis was his father already. He gently touched his cheeck and felt happiness arising. Suddenly Lola came in and all hell was to break lose

I hope you like the chapter. Don't worry it will go to Frary eventually ok. Lola will either be banished or killed. I haven't deciede. You guys are making me so happy! I feel so happy when you all vote and comment.
alyssatheunicorn876 OMG her comment made me laugh! There's a screenshot at the top of what she commented. If for some reason you can't see it here's what she commented: Update!!! Like right now!! Why are you still reading this!! Go!! Please. Well hope you love the chapter. Don't forget to vote. And if you comment I'll follow you and give you a shout out next chapter like I did on this chapter. Ok bye! ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊

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