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I was tagged by -areyouinsanelikeme

The Rules:

You must post these rules.

You must tag thirteen people.

You must post thirteen facts about yourself.

You have to answer the thirteen questions posted, and create thirteen more.

"I don't do tags" is unacceptable. (lmao u don't have to if you don't wanna it's ok)

Tag backs are allowed. (??????)

You must complete the tag within a week or the tagger will remind you. (endlessly. MUAHAHAHA)

Be creative with the questions.

Thirteen Facts:

1. I am an Aries!
2. I have a zombie apocalypse plan on what to do and where to go.
3. I LOVE the Walking Dead
4. I make YouTube videos but their more like video edits
5. I had an obsession with the rotbtd fandom (which is still kinda there...)
6. I went through a "Jack Frost" phase
7. I know how to play the clarinet
8. I have this thing where whenever I listen to music, I would see scenes of my OCs in my mind, so it's kind of like a daydream but it matches whatever storyline I created.
9. My favorite subject in school is History.
10. I am Trinidadian!
11. I have a puppy who is a Yorkshire terrier and is extremely cute!
12. I have a habit of getting in bed early but instead of sleeping, I just lay there and read fanfiction for an hour before I get tired, but honestly, I think that's something we all do...
13. I was obsessed with the Disney Princess Belle so much to the point where I would write "Belle" as my middle name in first grade. No joke.

The Questions:

1. Do you like Fall Out Boy?
Hell yeah

2. Favorite Superhero?
Probably Gambit but I also love Kitty Pryde.

3.Favorite season?

4. Fav Disney princess?
Belle from Beauty and the Beast

5. Fav color?
Yellow, but I don't like to wear it, which is weird.

6. Dream Job
To be a screenwriter but I have thoughts about being an animator too.

7. Pre-Serum Steve or Post-Serum?
Tbh, I like pre-serum Steve because he was so adorable!

8. Han Yolo ; ) or Luke Skywalker? (ahahaha sorry)
Luke Skywalker

9. Favorite poem or quote?
"Till the end of the line." :p

10. Favorite subject in school?

12. Best book ever?
I actually don't know since I have too many to choose from but probably Gone by Michael Grant.


My questions:
1. Favorite OTP?
2. Favorite book?
3. Are you prepared for Captain America: Civil War?
4. Favorite Movie?
5. Do you listen to Panic! At the Disco?
6. Favorite YouTubers?
7. Who's more "friendship goals" Bucky and Steve or Steve and Sam?
8. Favorite Pixar movie?
9. What do you think of the Marvel Fandom?
10. Favorite song?
11. Do you read comic books?
12. Future job?
13. Favorite superhero?

I tag:

I can't really think of people right now...but thank you, -areyouinsanelikeme for the tag!

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