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Ivory said she had to go a little over thirty minutes after I had first texted her. I really thought she'd be more excited, but I wasn't really anything special. So I clicked the lock button on my cell phone and tossed it onto the other side of my bed, staring at the ceiling. There was nothing to do this early in the morning. I decided on roaming around our house, eventually making myself a bowl of Lucky Charms. Eating them happily while perched on the counter, I almost didn't notice a very tired Maxx walk into the kitchen.

"BOO!" I shrieked, causing him to jump nearly six feet in the air and spill the glass of water he'd just gotten. No, I don't care what you say, I'm a fantastic friend. He flipped me off and began to clean the spill, me chuckling quietly and shoving th last of the too-sweet breakfast into my mouth. "What time is it?"

"Summertime." he sneered, dropping the facade and laughing at his own stupid joke. High School Musical isn't funny, Maxx. I furrowed my eyebrows and used my spoon to flick a bit of milk in his direction. He groaned and wiped his face. "It's like, five forty-five or something. Why?"

"I guess there's no hope for sleep now." I sighed after placing the bowl in the sink for someone else to clean. Yeah, no. I don't do dishes. My friend scoffed at me and quickly cleaned the dish, drying it and putting it away before punching my arm. "Ow, you little fuck!" I hissed. He just shrugged, planting a wet kiss to my cheek and skipping off to his room. I dragged the back of my hand acorss my face, Maxx's saliva leaving a wet streak. Gross.

"WAIT!" He screamed and clapped a hand over his mouth quickly. I cocked an eyebrow, reaching into the fridge for a water bottle. He bounced around with a wide smile on his face. "You've been talking to that girl all night, haven't you?"

"No, I talked to her for less than an hour. And we were texting, I don't see the big deal."

"You like her!"

"Is this second grade? I don't know anything about her other than she likes our band and she's been having a tough time in life. I can't really build a 'crush' or whatever off of nothing." I shrugged. Sure, there was definitely a possibilty that I'd like her after a while. But for now, she's just some intelligent girl I've never met. Not exactly ideal, huh?

"Hmm. Five bucks says she doesn't like you."


"What? Are you afraid?" He taunted. I glared at him, shaking his hand after a couple seconds with a sickly sweet smile. He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm about to be five dollars richer!"

"Yeah, alright. I'm taking a page out of my own playbook and trusting my gut. The good guy gets the girl, remember?"

"Cody Charles Carson, are you using our lyrics against me?'

"Hmm... Yes. And you may as well hand over the cash now, thanks."

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