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I laughed lightly, running a hand through my bed head. She didn't know her friend gave her phone number to me? Awesome.

"Your friend Jazzy! Cool kid, by the way." I said with a smile. Nodding, she smirked. Hers was cute, but my toothy grin just looked psychotic and weird. My teeth were slightly crooked, my hair was a wreck, and there were dark purple circles around my eyes. But she looked happy, and I suppose that's all that matters. "So, how're you doing?' Her fingers immediately went to work, flying across the keyboard.

Awesome. Mostly because you're actually talking to me and I can't seem to grasp that. Because holy shit, you're Cody Carson.

Chuckling, I shook my head and thought about how people could actually like me that much. I wasn't anything special, really. I'm just a kid with a dream. I looked around my room, and my eyes landed on the acoustic guitar leaned against the wall in the corner. I held up a finger, signalling for her to wait one second. Grabbing the neck of the instrument, I skipped back to the chair and sat down with a smile on my face

"Mind if I play a song?

Not at all.

I strummed a bit and stalled for a minute, making sure I didn't forget my own damn lyrics. After a couple more minutes, I looked back to the camera.

"I hope you know this one." Her hands were over her lips, probably covering her first open-mouthed smile. Well, here goes nothing. I winked and began to play the song. "Listen close and don't you say a word, I'll tell you a story of a boy who heard nice guys finish last..."

She squeaked, straightening up to listen to the song. I remember something Jazzy said about Pages and Paragraphs being one of her favourite songs. But Ivy had said something about liking every single song. Which was flattering, to say the least.

"Turn, turn the pages of your real life story based on love, Read over chapters carefully just to finally see your past mistakes..."

Her mouth moved the entire time, forming words to lip sync along with the song. I messed up a lot because I was giggling like a thirteen year old girl. I'd never played a song one on one with someone before, and it was a lot more personal. And fun. And cute. God damn Cody, you barely know the girl. Plus, you're twenty-four and she's like, seventeen.

"Push pen to paper and put your bottle down. You say that there's no happy endings, but in this story the good guy gets the girl." I finished, inhaling sharply afterwards. She clapped and I laughed again, setting the guitar down. "Did you like it?"

No, I hated it. That's why I mouthed along the whole time.

Rolling her eyes, she slapped her forehead with her palm. I pouted.

That shouldn't even be a question. I loved it, Cody!

"Thank God." I beamed and held my hands together in a mock prayer. She just scoffed, looking at her phone screen for a moment. "What time is it there?" After a second of her eyes flicking the time, she set the phone down and held up two fingers, then all ten. It was three ten here, an hour later. I'd honestly just woken up, but it looked like she'd been preparing for this. After letting out a yawn, she frowned and typed some more.

That was unattractive D:

"Oh shut up. You look great." I teased. She shook her head and I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes. She really did look fantastic. I don't see why she didn't know that. "Didn't get much sleep?"

Didn't get any sleep.

"That's not healthy." I scolded, waggling my finger at her and pursing my lips. She giggled, covering her mouth and groaning. Honestly, why doesn't she like her voice or smile? From what I've heard and seen, she's beautiful. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she tapped out a reply.

I'll sleep when I'm dead.

"You did not just use my lyrics against me."

I believe that I did.

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