Chapter Seventeen

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I made a visual representation of what I imagine Stella to look like. (Pic is up above) You don't have to imagine her like that, I just wanted to show you guys how I imagined her.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Chapter Seventeen

Logan P.O.V

The sound of a blooming firework pops in the distance.

Rocket and I stand by the side of the bus, watching Aaron as he peers through a set of binoculars he managed to find in one of the Geography classrooms. He stands on the roof of the bus, his posture rigid and his lips pressed into a thin line. I glance in the direction he's looking, hoping to catch a glimpse of the colorful burst, but I'm unable to see over the English block.

Instead I turn my attention towards the sun, bright and glaring down on us. I had my doubts that the fireworks would be effective in the daylight, but according to Aaron, we didn't have time to wait until nightfall. After the first firework was lit, he had glanced down at us with a smirk, telling us that they were more than visible. As I think about this, he glances down once again, a similar smirk on his lips.

"That was the last one." He tells us, moving the binoculars away from his face. He takes a step back, his attention held on the firework in the distance.

"Good," Rocket replies, before quickly adding under her breath, "now get the hell off my bus."

I shoot her a smirk as he begins to make his way down, carefully maneuvering past the branches of the low hanging tree. She flinches as he jumps onto the hood of the bus, his weight forcing the metal to bend under him. He pauses, throwing one last glance at the sky before jumping down.

"They lit all of them," he says, stepping round the bus and towards us, "I think we're in the clear."

Rocket wastes no time in pushing passed him and patting the area of the hood that he dented, cooing to it softly as though it were a living being. Aaron regards her with a roll of his eyes before turning his gaze towards me.

"We may not have the best defenses," he says, the tone of a hurt ego shining through his words. "But as you can see, I clearly have things covered."

My eyes narrow into a glare, "are you gloating?"

"Gloating?" He asks with a laugh, "no, no, no. I'm just letting you know that I'm more than capable of looking after this group." He begins to turn away.

"Really?" I ask, stepping forward and regaining his attention. "Because from where I'm standing, it looks like Stella and Gale did most of the work."

He remands me with his eyes, his upper lip pulling into a snide curl. "They wouldn't have done anything if it weren't for me! Now I'll admit that they did a good job, but if I hadn't convinced them, we would be dealing with a horde right now!"

"You don't even know if it worked yet! The horde could still be coming!"

"We may get a few strays, but that's nothing we can't handle. Why don't you just admit that I've done a good job?" He asks. I blink at him, unable to fathom how someone could maintain an attitude like this without getting killed.

"All I'm saying is that it feels like you're taking a little too much of the credit." I growl, staring him down. He doesn't quiver under my gaze like most people would, and that annoys me.

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