Chapter 1

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"Woah... You were right!" I spoke, putting a hand over my heart, "We have a substitute!" I dramatically turned around, falling into my seat, "And it's cranky old Mrs. Fister, here's your reward!" I reached into my pocket, digging out my lunch money.

Kyle smirks and takes it, "Thank you my dear!" he stuffs it into his pocket with a sigh, "But why her...?"

I laid my head on my desk, closing my eyes before letting my tongue stick out like a dead fish on the street, just rotting away.

"What are you doing?" Kyle's voice replied.

"Playing dead!" I muttered, sticking my tongue back out.

"You're not an opossum." Kyle retorted.

I sat up, glaring at him, "Yes I am!"

He tilted his head, "What makes you think that?"

"Opossum's can play dead, so if I be one with an opossum: I can fake being dead and Mrs. Fister will send me home for a 'funeral'!" I smirked, one hand across my chest and my free hand holding my chin, "I'm a genius!"

"Mis. Lockster, I-" I jumped at the sudden call, looking Mrs. Fister dead in the eyes, "-will not be sending you home, and you will do all your math homework."

I scratched my head, a soft blush dusted my cheeks, "I-Is that so?"

Mrs. Fister slams a marker on my desk, making a loud snap. "Go do problem one for the class."

"I-" I protested.

"Now." the old bat snapped.

A quick nod came, "O-Of course ma'am..." I stood up and dragged myself to the board, looking at the problem, when did we learn this? My eyes danced across the board, taking it all in: 4(-3x+25)/8=1/2(-8y-6x)+34 (solve for y).

"Come on, Jenny! What are you, five?" Kyle's voice teased me.

I turned around glaring, he knew I had a hard time in math! Especially when everyone was staring at me! Sweat was forming on my forehead and palms.

"Mr. Suzette, why don't you join Mis. Lockster?" Mrs. Fister puts a marker on his desk, which was right beside mine, "On number two."

Kyle shrugged it off and walked up, "Easy." he replied with no care in the world.

'Easy?' I thought angrily, wanting to yell, 'For you it is!' Kyle was a math genius, able to do any problem in less than five minutes. I looked at his problem: -6/9 + 2y= 5/25. 'How is anyone suppose to do this?' I wondered before going back to my problem. 'Okay, you times 4 and negative 3x and get 12, then you add 12 and get 24x. Then you divide that by 8 and get...' I grabbed my calculator and typed it in, 'You get 8! Okay then write equal sign... Now a half times negative 8 is...' I typed it in the calculator, '-4y!'

"Done." Kyle's voice ranged. I turned over seeing his work, 'How could he be done?' Kyle's eyes flickered from my work to my eyes, a smirk covering his face, "You have three errors." he replied, walking over to his desk.

A pout plants itself on my face, 'What a great friend...' I turned back to my work, 'I have errors? That can'- He's messing with me!" I looked over my shoulder slightly, glaring at Kyle.

The redhead winks and raises a thumb at me, 'Bastard!' I thought, looking back at my work, 'Focus! He's just teasing you like per. Frinkin'. Usual!' I write down -4y before continuing. 'Okay and we can't put y and x together so now we have: 24x=-4y-6x+34! Okay we also have to get y by itself, so we subtract 34 to the other side of 24x and then had 6x to 24 and get 34+30=-4y! And last but not least, divide everything by -4.' I jotted it down in my calculator before writing the answer down, which was: -8.5-7.5=y.

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