Chapter 11

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I never knew how big the council really was! Where was I supposed to find Alex in these empty as hell halls! Like seriously, I haven't came across one living being! 'This is annoying...' I let out an irritated breath, the first place I came to were the millions of stairs I had walked down... And walking down was suppose to be the easy part too!

'Maybe he's in my room?' I wondered, I take a step forward, but stop. "Wait... I don't even know where the room is!" I let out another breath of annoyance,
clapping my hands on my cheeks, "Alright, chill!" I told myself before sitting down on the steps and thinking. 'He didn't tell me where he was going... He just left...' I can't even do math, how am I supposed to find a really tall buffy cute gu­- no not cute! 'Oh what's with me?!' I wondered.

I guess I was finally letting out my frustrations out, clearly being in a bad mood... 'If I were a tall buffy guy, what would I do?' I wondered.

"Hey, you must be the new Priestess!" a cheery voice behind me came.

I jumped a bit, looking back into chocolate brown eyes, "Who are you?" I asked, before taking a
second to recognize her from a recent dream I've had.

"Chipper's the name." she smiled, little fangs poking at her bottom lip before in a second she was in front of me.

I swing my head to look at her, "I'm J-­"

"Jenny! I know, I know! Al told me almost everything!" she shakes her head, her left hand on holding her chin.

'Okay...'I thought before saying, "I'm looking for Ale-­"

"Ooooh~ You're looking for him~?" she questioned, her hand had gone from her chin to her lips, "Why's that~?" she asked playfully, but her eyes seemed cold.

"To take me back home." I responded, almost slowly as the girl acted weird.

"Why are you taking him home~?" Chipper asked again, her words almost harsh.

"No, I-­" my cheeks grew hot, "I need someone to take me home, and right now all I know is Alex ca-"

"You keep calling him Alex~" Chipper giggled, "You must be close if you can call him a

'Oh my word, she's just as bad as Amanda!' I thought, quickly shaking my head, "I'm not! It's just faster to say it, than Alexander."

Chipper giggles, moving her hand away from her face, and putting both hands behind her back, under her cloak, "That can't be the only reason~" she hummed balancing on her tiptoes before standing back down, making me grow frustrated.

"It's not like that!" I whined, putting my head on my knees, my arms bring my legs closer to me.
It was quiet for a few moments, I lifted my head to see a stun face painted on Chipper's face."Wh-What?"

Chipper quickly shook her head, a smile on her face, "Nothing! You're just so emotional!"

"You wonder why...?" I muttered looking at the ground, low enough so she couldn't hear me.

"I do, why?" her face stoops lower to me, her eyes looking straight at me.

"Wh-­?" it was all so fast, I quickly pushed her away, trying to take a few steps back as I tried to get space, 'How can she move so fast?' I wondered, 'How did she even hear me?'

Chipper giggles again, putting her hand on her lips to muffle them, "Sorry, I'm a vampire."

"Oh­-" I looked down, letting a sigh of relief at least I'm not craz­-, "WHAT?!" my eyes feel like they could pop out of my skull as I stared up at her.

"Chipper, stop teasing the poor girl." a voice came, soft and... polite.

I turn my head, looking into soft blue eyes, "H­-Hey..." I greeted, my voice barely above a whisper.

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