Chapter 4

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*~*~*~Alexander's POV~*~*~*

I draped my hood up walking back into town, away from the icy mountains, 'We must have faith in the Priestess... Come home soon...' I thought, heading into a bar. It was the usual hideout for magicals like myself, but we were in hiding. Normals came in as well, but they were too blinded to see us. 

"Alex, over here!" a cheery voice called.

My eyes looked up, meeting dark chocolate eyes. With a nod I headed up the stairs, sitting at the empty spot, "I'm sorry I'm late. Contacting her is no easy task."

"Oh good! How did it go?" Chipper asked, she was sitting across from me, Chipper's a vampire.

"She was confused, a very curious girl like always." I explained, grabbing my glass and downing it, "Thank you for ordering my usual."

"The pleasure is all mine." Nancy bowed her head, she was an elf. That's why her hood was up as well.

"Nancy, you know me too well. I might just have to kill you." I joked, sipping some more of the red wine.

"Well of course." she put her left hand over her heart with a bow to her head.

It was a sign of respect to put your hand over your heart. It represent that you'd lay your life on the line to save the world at all cost, to stay by your friends side and carry out the Priestess will. Unless you put your right hand over your heart, that means the same thing as Normals known as 'crossies'.

"What do you have? Do you know if she's found any of them? WHat does she look like? Her same self, or different?" Chipper asked, her eyes gleamed with curiosity.

"Different. Instead of golden yellow her hair has went chocolate brown. Her green emerald eyes are not a deep grey, and she's shorter than short itself." I replied grimly, "It's like she's a different person, but the same. Like a daughter or granddaughter."

"Brown hair?" Chipper pouts slightly, "Brown is an icky color..."

"Opinions about beauty facts don't matter right now." I replied before looking at Suzanne. "Do you know where he is?"

Suzanna nods softly, "Y-yes... But then n-no..." she replied gloomily, moving her fork around her plate, playing with her mash potatoes.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Two p-presence..." Suzanna sighed, shaking her head, "Two..."

Chipper gasped, "You can't mean... There's two of him!"

I shook my head, "No. That would be ridiculous."

"But there is..." Suzanna replied, looking from her food to my eyes, "Two of him." she sobbed, putting her head in her hands.

Nancy quickly ruffles the ghost's head, "There there, Suz, calm down. Everything is going as plan, remember?"

"Two..." I leaned back, my eyes starring into the ceiling, "How could their be two? Are you sure it's the same guy?"

"Yes..." Suzanna whimpered, another sob escaped her lips.

Chipper gasped, her hand over her mouth, "Do you think he cast a spell?"

I shook my head, "Unlikely."

"But magic is returning to it's original state." Nancy replied, "I can feel it circling around me."

I gave her another nod, "Likewise. Magic hasn't been recovered a years ago. It had only started last year."

Suzanna lifted her head, tears had stained her cheeks, "Two presence. Same. Different. Old. New." her face had become completely serious for a second before it went back to being gloomily and miserable. The bell ranged throughout the bar, bringing Chipper's mind to work.

Chipper's eyes widen, her jaw dropping to the floor, "You don't think... He had... Had a...!" a gasp came to her lips before her hands had covered her mouth, shaking her head widely. Her pale hands had smacked the table, "That's not possible! He... He..."

"Chipper?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Deep breathes, what is it?" Nancy asked, staring at the poor soul.

"What two people have the same presence?" Chipper asked, asking in riddles. The little vamp always did it when she wanted to feel smart.

"Chipper this is not the time for your riddles." I reminded her.

A frustrated sigh left her lips, "It's easy! It's so simple it was staring us right in the face!" she muttered, glaring at the table.

"Can you tell us?" Nancy asked.

Chipper looked down, "You see the two down there? They arrived just five minutes ago." Chipper replied, continuing with her game. 

I sighed and looked down, playing along. "A mother along with her son."

"What does a mother and a son have to deal with anything?" Nancy interrupted.

"No. Wait." I replied, standing up and walking over to the railing, grasping it with both hands, "Chipper's on to something..." I muttered. 

"Oh, not you too..." Nancy grumbled, "Will you tell me what's going on now?"

I turned around, "Suzanna, what does the mother and son have in common?"

Suzanna closed her eyes, her symbols on her head started to glow a tint of purple. The symbol of a sun glowed first before moving to the swirls on each side. "Presence." 

"Two presence. Same. Different." I repeated the ghost's words before looking back down at the mother and son, watching them leave. "Exitium had a child." I walked back over, sitting down in my spot.

Nancy bit her bottom lip, "No... That monster...! He must have-" her sentence stopped, but we were all fully aware what she was going to say.

I shook my head, "He must have used the last of his abilities to cast his child here. Suzanna, can you tell the gender?"

Suzanna shook her head, "How awful... I can't believe he's that evil..."

"Suz, snap out of it." I spoke.

Suzanna hands touched her cheeks, tears were streaming down, "H-How evil...!" she muttered.

Nancy pinched the girl's cheek, "Suz!"

The little ghost eyes blink a bit, "H-Huh?"

"Suzanna, can you tell the gender?" I asked again.

Suzanna shook her head, looking down gloomily, "The signal is faint. I can barely even feel the presence, but I know it's there."

"Can you tell where this child might be?" Nancy asked.

"No... It's faint, like I said..." the ghost muttered, tears escaping her eyes.

"A wild goose chase..." I sighed, sipping my red wine, "Hopefully, this child isn't near our Priestess."

Nancy stood up, "We should go, search for it."

"And blow our cover?" I asked, "That is not the best option. We must wait."

"Wait till what?! What if it kills her?" Nancy asked, glaring while Chipper gasped.

"All hope... Would be lost...!" Chipper mumbled, a hand over her mouth.

I sighed, "Patience is key. Patience is everything." I turned my head to the figure behind me, "Isn't that right, Priestess?"

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