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Hey! This whole story will be in Korra's point of view. Enjoy!

"Good morning Republic City High! It is Wednesday January 6 ! Today is s new day, so make it count! The boys basketball game is being canceled, their opposing team dropped out of the tournament! But come back next week for their last home game." The loud speaker rang through the class room and halls. It hurt my ears.

I made my way to my first class, math, even though class had already started. I walked through the door and all heads turned and looked at me. I looked around and saw people laughing at me, probably making bad inferences of me. Whatever, they will just have to deal with me.

The announcements were shortly over and the teacher smiled and motioned for me to stand next to her, so I did.

"Hello class! As you can see, we have a new student. Go ahead and tell the class a little but about you." The teacher chimed.

"Hi. My name is Korra. I'm from the Southern Water tribe. And I'm the Avatar?" I said. Gasps were spread out across the room.

"The Avatar goes to our school." One boy said.

"I should so date her." Another said. I rolled my eyes and sat in an empty spot. I looked at the boy next to me who was smiling. He waved and passed me a note.

Hi! I'm Bolin, welcome to RCHS. I can show you around if you'd like.

I smiled and wrote back.

That would be great.

I passed it back to him.

Math finally ended and I was the Bolin kid from Math stand next to me.

"As you know my name is Bolin." He said putting his hand out for me to shake.

"This is my brother Mako," he said pointing to his brother, who was kinds if cute, "and my girlfriend Opal." He said putting his arm around the short girl. She smiled and began to talk.

"Would you mind if I see your schedule?"  She asked cheerfully. I handed it to her and she smiled.

"We all have next period together, but you don't have lunch with me. Guess you are stuck with these losers." She joked. "We will show you the way."

I walked a but back Bolin and Opal. And tried to talk to Mako.

"Hey." I plainly said.

"Hi." He said not having a care in his voice. So much for trying to ignite a conversation, so I walked closer to Opal and Bolin.

"What's up with Mr. Downer back there." I asked.

"He'll warm up. Eventually." Bolin laughed. "He is tough but, he's a softy."

"That's hard to believe." I mumbled. We entered the Science room and I once again had to introduce my self, and of course they were shocked that the Avatar went to their school. I sat back down at my spot near Opal.

"You don't know how annoying that is." I whispered to her. She giggled and class went on. I hated school. 


The lunch bell went off and Opal and I said goodbye to each other. I caught up to Bolin and asked him where the cafeteria was.

"Well here it is." He said. Swarms of kids ran to the door.

"Ugh we are never going to get in there now." Mako whined.

"No, I got this. Follow me and stay close." I said in determination. Mako and Bolin turned toward each other with confused faces, but still followed.

"Alright everybody out of the way unless you want me to go into the Avatar state on all of your ass's." I yelled. The hungry teenagers move to the side and let us through. We ended up at the front of the line. "Works every time." I bragged. Mako laughed.

"Good one Avatar." Mako said smiling.

"Told you he warms up." Bolin said.

We finished grabbing out food and we stopped and looked for a table.

"Oh there's Asami." Bolin said waving to a raven haired girl. Wow she's, beautiful, but she is probably a bitch. I ended up sitting across from this Asami girl and I looked right into her bright green eyes and she smiled.

"So you must be the Avatar." She said. Her voice was soft, yet perky, but smooth.

"You must be the Avatar." I mumbled fast and quietly. "Yes I am." I said shyly.

"The name is Asami Sato. And there is no doubt you name is Korra." She laughed.

"Wait like Sato-mobile, Sato?" I asked.

"You know it." She replied. Wow she must be spoiled rich.

"Cool." I relied taking a bite of the Apple I got.

"Not as cool as being the Avatar. That must be great." She smiled.

"Yeah it's great. I mean being able to bend is one thing, but bending them all, it's great. So what can you guys bend?" I asked.

"Well Mako can-" Bolin started to say.

"I can Fire bend and Lightning bend." Mako said.

"I'm a Earth bender and Lava bender. I know I'm cool." He said.

"What about you Asami?" I asked. Nobody answered.

"I'm a non bender." She said.

"Oh. I'm sorry I wouldn't of asked-" I started to say.

"Don't sweat it. I helped my father build this really cool glove that can electrocute people and plus I've been in self defense class's since I was about 6." She said.

"That's really cool." I replied.

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