Breaking In

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Lucy's POV

I was on my way towards the academy. It's a bright sunny morning for the perfect day. I stopped by at the bakery to get some buns for lunch break and my breakfast. On my way, I saw Natsu, Gray and Jellal walking but they seem to be pretty looking exhausted. I ran over to them, "Hey guys! Mind telling me what's with these gloomy faces you are giving this morning?" Gray yawned while rubbing his hair, "Well, we slept late last night and this idiot  flame brain was snoring loudly the whole time."

"Not to mention you were sleeping without your clothes Gray." Jellal joined in the conversation while walking ahead of Gray with Natsu leaning on Jellal's shoulder. "I told you man I can't sleep unless I take off my clothes, geez." Jellal gave a smirk face to Gray and laughed. Gray ignored it and came whispering to me softly, "You want to know something, Jellal kept on mentioning his lover Erza in his sleep."Jellal overheard our conversation and glared at Gray, "NO I WAS NOT!!!" Gray laughed loudly till I spot Jellal was blushing bright red and turned another direction.  I was shocked and excited at the same time. I continued my conversation with Gray, "So who is this Erza anyway?" Gray shrugged his shoulders,"Jellal told us that she's one of our academy's student and also a vampire." My eyes were widened,"A vampire?" Gray nodded his head. I see she must be one of the vampires that the student council members mentioned about having a special class for them during the night. I wonder how she looked like. I can't wait to meet her. 

"What's wrong Lucy?" Jellal asked me. I gasped, "Nothing, it's just that I wonder how Erza looked like and I can't wait to meet her." Jellal smiled, "You'll see her soon." Suddenly an idea came to my mind. "I know!!! Why don't we take a look who are the night students tonight?" Natsu got up from Jellal's shoulders and yelled,"Yeah I'm all fired up!!!!!!" Gray and Jellal shook their heads, "No way Lucy. We are not breaking in the academy." 

"Oh come on you two! You might not know it'll be fun!" They still didn't agree to my idea. I took a step near Jellal with a smirk on my face, "I know deep down you're dying to see Erza don't you?HHhmmm..." Jellal blushed till sweat drops flowed from his face to his neck. "Ok fine, but only tonight." Lucy and Natsu jumped and high five at each other. Gray stood there with his mouth wide opened, "Seriously?" 

"What's the matter ice princess? Afraid?" Natsu teased Gray.  Gray covered his face, "No I'm just thinking this is not a good idea." 


Its's still Lucy's POV

"Why am I doing this?" Gray finally decided to tag along with us. "Chill out Gray we just want to know who are the night students and Jellal's lover." Jellal turned and looked at me,"Lucy!" Natsu and Gray laughed. We hop over the gates and ran towards the academy building. We entered the building and started to look for the night class students. We passed through classes and walked up the stairs to level 5. "Someone's coming." Natsu whispered and we all hide in one of the classrooms. The room was in total darkness and creepy too. Then I heard someone opened the door and walked in. "Great! we are screwed." I pouted. We all quietly squeezed under the teacher's desk. "I can't breathe!" I squeaked in my high pith voice. Twenty minutes later, we all crawled out of the teacher's table. I feel relieved. "I thought we were goners when they caught up to us." 

'Jellal?" We all turned and saw a red hair girl standing with a girl with white hair holding while holding torch lights. Jellal gasped, "Erza its you!" She smiled happily jumping over to Jellal giving him a tight hug. Natsu, Gray and I shrieked, "WWWHHHAAATTT???!!!!!!???? THAT IS ERZA YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT JELLAL????" Jellal nodded his head and Erza helped him up after the warm embrace. "So these are your friends?" She asked Jellal and he introduced us to her. "I almost forget, I'm Erza Scarlet and this is my best friend Mirajane Strauss." I was shocked, "She's the Mirajane everyone's talking about the mysterious hot model for Weekly Sorcerer Magazine."  

"Lucy I know you are getting all excited but could you lower your voice down a bit." Natsu patted on Lucy's back. We all laughed and I was talking with Mira all the time. Gray and Natsu were having a little argument with each other while Jellal and Erza were gazing at each other eyes. Out of the blue, Sir Makarov was standing right at the door, crossing his arms. We all stopped and looked at him glaring at us. Not good. 

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