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Dipper: 19

Dipper was in his dorm room, studying away for midterms. His boyfriend of a year, however, was doing the exact opposite. He loved to 1) smoke 2) drink or 3) all of the above. Today he decided to be nice and drink, Dipper doesn't really appreciate it when he hotboxes the room while he's studying.
"Bill, shouldn't you be studying?"
"Hah, good one Pine Tree!"
"Bill, I love you but we're not going to see much of each other if you flunk out."
"Ah, calm down Pine Tree, I'm not even that drunk. I only drank one...or two...or maybe even five beers. BUUUTT my tolerance is much, much higher. Look, I'll even help you study."
"Alright.", Dipper said, not knowing what Bill had in mind.
"I only call you when it's half-past five. The only time that's when I call you mine.", Bill sang into his boyfriend's ear.
"Bill, stop I need to concentrate. It's hard enough with you just in the same room, imagine how much harder it is with your voice in my ear."
"So what your saying is, your h-"
"BILL!", Dipper yelled, cutting him off. He was blushing, he was almost purple with how red he was.
"Dude, I love you, but we can do that later."
Bill gasped, "Really Pine Tree!"
"If you behave..."

BillDip and Macifica OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now