Chapter 5

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Wow 2 chapter in 1 day I think in doing pretty good! Please give me feedback thanks :)

----Jenny's PROV----

"I love rollercoasters! Ever since I could remember I would always beg my parents to take me to amusement parks so I could go on all the rides."

I started babbling on about my past life while josh just waited in line with me and listened to me. When he started talking about himself I started to roam his face, i noticed he had perfect blue eyes that had specks of green and his eyes changed color depending on his mood, his beach blonde hair was messy but it looked really cute on him, he had dimples every time he would laugh or talk, his teeth were perfectly white and straight, and than my eyes wandered to his lips, I wondered how they would feel against mine.

"How many people?" The woman in charge of putting people in line at the roller coaster asked.

"2" josh Said.

We got onto the roller coaster and I was so pumped I haven't been on one I so long. Once josh and I were on the roller coaster and buckled up he put his hand on my thigh. Before I knew it the roller coaster was doing loops and going upside down at a really fast speed. As the ride went on Josh's grip on my thigh just tightened. As we finally came to our destination from the roller coaster ride Josh's hand was still on my thigh, when we got off the roller coaster and we walked out a little bit into the park josh put his hands on my waist, bit his lip and looked at me in the eyes and pulled me closer to him, right when we were about to kiss a scary person jumped out of nowhere causing us to bang our heads... Again.

"Jesus, every time I want to kiss you someone has to ruin it."
Josh said under his breath really quietly.

I didn't know if he wanted me to hear his last comment or not. After the 5 of us thought we had enough time in the park we headed home. I was out of it once we were in the car and the last thing I remember was being pulled onto someones lap and before I passed out I felt soft lips press against my forehead and a familiar voice telling me 'goodnight'.

I woke up to Jenna poking me in the side telling me to wake up. I noticed my head was on Josh's chest and his arms were around my waist holding me tight. Josh was asleep with his mouth slightly open because he was snoring. I tried to wiggle out of his firm grip but it took too much power, and I was still really tired. So I tried waking up josh, I tried poking him but he wouldn't budge, so then I attempted to shake him, still nothing, finally I slapped him lightly across the face and jokingly he said,

"it takes a kiss to wake sleeping beauty."

"Nice try honey, it's not happening tonight." I said back.

Even though I wanted to kiss him so badly I didn't want to do it in front of Jenna's brother. Alex, Jenna, josh and I all walked into the house and crashed on the couch.

----Josh's PROV----

I woke up to the smell of pancakes, it couldn't be Alex's mom because his mom is at work right now, and it sure as hell couldn't be Alex because he couldn't cook for his life. I walked into Jenna sitting on the countertop in her onsie with a unicorn pattern, and Jenny flipping pancakes in an oversized tshirt and shorts. She looked so cute while she was cooking.

"Smells good" I said as I walked further into the kitchen.

"Thanks, we are making breakfast for everyone since Jenna's mom already left."
Jenny said while smiling.

Jenna went in the living room to go watch Hawaii 5Owith her brother, which left Jenny and I alone.

"So I was thinking... Maybe tonight you and me could hangout... Alone. I can take you to the beach to watch the sunset and we could have a picnic?" I asked Jenny nonchalantly

"Sure, pick me up at 5 from my house tonight. I will text you my adress." Jenna said excitedly

"Breakfast is ready." Jenna yelled.

And with that Jenna and Alex came rushing to sit down and started banging on the table chanting "we want food" "we want food"

----Jenny's PROV----

Omg I can't believe it! JOSH JUST ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE! I have never been ons date before, ya when I was in kindergarten I would play, house and eat dinner with my little boyfriends. But this is different. I am going out on my first date...ever. I can't wait to tell Jenna about this.

Once everyone was done with breakfast we all parted our ways, my mom came to pick me up and I insisted Jenna come home with me to help me get ready for my date. Once I told Jenna about my she started to go insane. She started running around my room yelling singing

"Jenna and josh sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

I started cracking up at how my best friend was acting like a crazy maniac.

It was 4 o'clock and I still haven't even started to get ready. I grabbed on a pair of my black lulu lemon leggings and a long sleeved crop top. I let my hair down and straightened it, I put on some mascara and by the time I was finished it was already 4:55 and jenna left about 15 minutes ago. I heard my doorbell ring and I rushed to my door. I opened it up to find josh in board shorts and I bro tank, I didn't know we were going swimming.

"Should I change into my swimsuit?" I asked josh

"Ya I would" he answered back

I really didn't feel like going in the water tonight it's too cold, but if that's what josh wants to do than so be it. I was looking through my swimsuits, while josh was just sitting on my bed watching me.

"I like this one." Josh said while he grabbed a tiny white two piece that I would always wear during the summer.

I grabbed the swimsuit and rushed into my bathroom to change, I came into my room to see how the swimsuit looked in my full length mirror.

"Wow, Jenna you look hot" josh said with his eyes pretty much bulging out of his head, and I'm pretty sure I saw him drool. I put on my clothes I originally had on over my swimsuit and josh and I walked down the beach. I lived 5 houses from the beach, so it wasn't that far of a walk.

----Josh's prov----

I really hope this date goes good. As we walked down to the beach our fingers gently started to brush against each others. Once we finally got to the location where I set the picnic up the sun started to go down. Once we finished our meal of a different verity of meats and cheeses the sun was about halfway down. I got up and picked Jenny up over my shoulder.

"P-p-put m-me d-down this isn't f-f-funny!" Jenny said between laughs while she playfully hit my back.

So I did as she wanted but instead I dropped her in the Ice cold water.

"Happy now?" I asked her

"Very" Jenna said between clenched teeth.

She came out of the water looking really mad and then a mischievous grin formed on her face. She ran over to me and jumped ontop of me bringing me down in the water with her. As we both came up out of the water we were drenched, from head to toe. I carried Jenny back up to the picnic blanket bridal style and I set her down right in front of me.

Right when the sun was about to go down I pulled Jenny into me by her waste and leaned down, our wet foreheads started to touch, and we were still dripping water, then our noses touched. Our faces were inches apart then centimeters, until finally my lips met hers. I felt fireworks go off and there was an explosion of butterfly's in my stomach. This kiss was the type of kiss you only see in those cheesy romantic chick flicks. The sun is just about to set and there is that perfect passionate kiss with the two main characters. The only thing that was different from those cliché chick flicks is that this kiss was real. I was really holding one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met in my arms and I'm kissing her. No girl has ever made me feel this way before, and that's for sure.

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