A Reflection in an Elevator

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I'm a retired surgeon, and to tell you the truth, I've seen some pretty messed up stuff in my days.
Like patients dying only inches away from me, or just flat out seeing the most disturbing things.

The most terrifying thing I've EVER seen was one Sunday, when  I wasn't  working, I got a call.
A man had fallen off of a ladder and slit his neck on a tree branch.
Bad enough to need medical attention.
I was the only surgeon in the area capable enough to do the surgery.

I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could. I went and did work on the patient.
But sadly, the patient died in surgery from blood loss, as the branch hit an artery.

I went to the elevators, so I could get to my office on the sixth floor.

I pressed the button to the elevator but nothing happened.
I pressed it again and still nothing.
Again, nothing.
Finally after I pressed it again.
It opened.
I got into it and pressed the button for floor six.
I waited at least a minute.
The door hadn't closed.
I got out and just went to a different elevator.

It was fine, up until the door wouldn't close. Irritated, I stepped out. 
Then it closed.

"What the hell." I said to myself

I hit the open button again and got in. Then the door closed.

"Finally." I said to myself.

I hit the six button and the elevator started to go up.

On floor three it stopped and the power went out.

The emergency light came on.

I started yelling curses probably loud enough for the whole building to hear me.

I hit the emergency button.
But nothing happened.
I called 911 and told them the situation.

After about 15 minutes, the emergency light started to flicker. Then went out.

I turned on my cell phone flash light.
Then looked up in the mirror on the ceiling.

What I saw next almost made me vomit.

I saw somebody standing beside me.

I swung my head down to see nobody there.

I looked up again to see the patient I just did surgery on.

Standing there.

Smiling at me.

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