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Soon after the extreme drama in the store, I was so upset I ran to the bathroom and threw-up a lot. I felt so lousy, i just wanted to go lay down for a while...I was on my way out the door, when Criss seen that I wasn't looking good, he ran to me and picked me up..I will take you to bed baby...He carried me all the way to his suite and put me in something more comfortable...He asked me if he could do anything, but all I wanted him to do was lay with me.. so he did...I ended up asleep cuddled under his chin, with him rubbing and caressing my back.

I slept for 3 hours, and when i woke up I wasn't any better, i felt worse.. it felt like I had a bad bout of stomach flu, or food poisoning...Criss got so worried he ended up calling his private physician to come take a look at me...But he could not stay, he had to go do hid show, because I wouldn't let him cancel it...He kissed me on the forehead and told me the Dr. would be here soon, and he would be right here as soon as the show was over...

The Dr. came in the door, and gave me a full physical, when he was finished, his diagnosis was nothing i expected... "Young lady, you are not sick...You are pregnant.. about 3 weeks in fact... Now I will need to make a routine checkup on you every 2 to 3 weeks...Is this your first pregnancy?" "Yes, it is, I stammered unbelievably... Well I can give you something to ease up the morning sickness, and some aspirin for the pains. Other than that just give me a call if you get worried or you just want some information about it OK young lady?"  "U mm, yeah OK....Thank you Doc."

As soon as the Doctor left I, buried my head in my pillow and cried for hours it seemed...What was I going to do, who should I talk to about it, How do i tell Criss!! Or should I even tell him... I was lost... I didn't want my parent's in on it, I didn't need their reaming right now....So I called Klay's phone and asked him and Abby to come up to the room. As soon as I told them the news Klay just ran over to me and hugged me, and saying how he was going to be the godfather....Abby was speechless....All I could do was cry, until Klay calmed down, to think rationally..."OK, sweet pea, you need to tell Criss, as soon as he gets up here from the show.. You shouldn't hide this from him. "But how do I tell him?...And what if he doesn't want it? I am scared, I don't want him to leave me..."

(Abby) Kc... If he loves you as much as he is showing all of us, he won't leave you, matter-of-fact I am willing to bet you that when you tell him he will be as ecstatic as Klay was when you told him, even more so...

Alright guys I will tell him, but not right away, I will tell him when we go out to dinner, tonight.

Klay was so excited he was jumping up and down in his seat, Abby was afraid he was going to give it away that I had a bigger surprise at the family union dinner tonite.. But he didn't, Abby grabbed him and said that I needed to get some rest, for the big evening. 4 hours went by and Criss finally came up and laid down beside me, i was sleeping peacefully. He kissed me and got undressed to get cleaned up for dinner...Afterwards he had time to kill before getting everyone rounded up. so he took a nap beside me.

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