My Dearly Aloof Benefactor

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'Super duper cozy', you thought to yourself. 

Huddled under heavy blankets, thick snow collecting on the window sill, and a crackling fire tickling your senses; you grinned deeply, feeling your cheeks becoming sore from the strain of such a big smile. You were seated on a big fluffy couch. It was old, and you and your husband had the tattered old thing since college. It always smelled of Clorox, but still kept the puff of smoke hidden in it's threads. Your favourite pale [F/C] blanket slid off your shoulder, and the freezing air touching your hot [S/C] skin was rather unpleasant. 

A little sigh left your nose, and you cuddled closer to your significant other in search of more warmth. The fire was the only source of light in the room that night, a snowy sky prevented the night from being pitch, and you felt muscular arms circle your waist. One hand rising to fix the fallen section of blanket, his lowered his lips to the crown of your head.

Your position of laying your entire body on top of Levi's chest, his arms hugging you close, and your nose tickling the short fuzzy parts of his hair behind his ear made a small smile latch onto his face. Only a small one though. Your beloved was known to be rather stoic and emotionless; his words and actions being the only things that keep you in the know of what he's experiencing. 

His eyes began absently scanning the ceiling, no focus on anything in particular, just enjoying the warmth of his wife and an amazing fire. Taking in a deep breath, he smelled the ever persistent evanescent odor of cigarette smoke, and let out a small chuckle. A pleasant memory was prodded out by the stimuli, and he closed his eyes to enjoy that moment. 

Levi's laugh got your attention and you propped your sharp little chin up onto his sternum. Digging to yank your arms from under him, he pulled his attention down to you, stale cold eyes piercing your soft warm [E/C] orbs. 

You lifted your hands with a little huff of triumph and signed, "What's so funny?"

His small smile grew, only by about an inch, but the small change didn't go unnoticed, "Remember that time when you kept begging for me to let you try weed in high school?", he murmured to you, sending deep vibrations up your chest.

You began to smile, flashing your shiny teeth, and with a nod you signed back, "And then you finally let me try,"

He chuckled again, rumbling your torso nearly to a tickling degree, "And you were wobbling and stumbling around smiling like a total buffoon, dancing without  a care,"

That smile of yours had to be the epitome of joy, Levi's heart blossomed at your expression and he tightened his hold on you. Those amazing eyes still held onto you, and you just smiled back, feeling the comfort coming from them,"What brought that on?", you inquired.

"Smelling this smokey ass couch, it kinda brought the thought back", he ran one of his palms across your back, "And seeing that little grin of yours is always nice,"

You looked into his steel eyes and smiled even bigger, and you raised your hands to his face. Wiggling yourself higher on top of him, you laid your lips on his nose to give it a short peck. He closed his eyes and nudged you a little closer to encourage you to do it again, a smirk touching his lips. You did it again, feeling the slightly cooler metal of his nose ring against your lips, following to his cheeks, and then his closed eyelids, his forehead, and lastly his smooth lips. The smooth soft surface of his lips caressed and fit into yours perfectly. The deeper he made the kiss, the more you felt the silver spheres push against your face.

[Your Love Is Unspoken] Punk! Levi x Mute! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now