Punk Dads Are the Best Dads

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A/N: I'm so sorry that this is so long, but I just couldn't stop writing.

Armin: Hey, [F/N]! Mikasa, Eren, and I were wondering if you and Levi wanted to come with us to Colorado this weekend. We already have a cabin lined up with an extra room, so you're welcome to come with us.

The text illuminated the screen, and you could almost hear the sweet little voice of your fellow friend. Upon reading the message, you felt your heart pace begin to go up; 'I've never been there and I've always wanted to try skiing!', plus, you and Levi had basically just been spending the past few days working and not doing much else. A break from all that stress was long over due. You began typing while hopping in place.

[F/N]: I'd love to, Armin. I'm so excited, I just might start packing already! 

Armin: Okay good, 'cause I already got you and Levi's plane tickets...

You gave a soft sigh at Armin's preparedness, and decided to shoot Levi a text message really quick. It'd be better to be digitally yelled at than verbally. Your thumb hovered over the keyboard, biting the inside of your lip. How could you prose this so that he wouldn't call bullshit immediately and bail out on it? There was no way he'd want to be around Eren, let alone trekking along with the others. He doesn't need to know about Eren, anyways.

[F/N]: Heeey, how does a weekend in Colorado sound?

You waited a few beats, and decided to make your way downstairs. No point in staring at the screen waiting for his reply. You walked into your sun room, side stepping around your cans of paint. The sun's rays shone through the cracks in the blinds, and the little dots of light warmed you against the cold of the room. As you picked up a brush from the bottom trough of your easel, your pocket let out a buzz.

(: Levi: Sounds cold as shit to me.

'Well, fuck', you silently cursed in your mind, and you felt your posture drop a bit, 'Let's just avoid it...'

[F/N]: So happy you're excited! Cause we've got plane tickets! and some friends ready to accompany us~

(: Levi: ....

(: Levi: Is it with that Jaeger brat?


[F/N]: A hahaha I love you so much, so excited to pack when you get home! Ahahaha ttyl.

Immediately slamming the phone to the table near you, you released a heavy sigh of tension and relaxed your shoulders. Your heart was pounding, but it wasn't too bad. Suddenly, you felt really hungry, and conveniently ignored the hoard of buzzing that was now coming from your phone, in favor of the pangs of hunger. 

It wasn't until just recently that you realized you were eating just a bit more than usual. Like a few days ago, Levi took you out to your favourite restaurant to eat, and you were able to finish a large sized plate. Even though, when you usually went you had to get a to-go box for a small. The appetite change didn't really surprise you much, and it wasn't until now that you began to gain a little bit more weight. 

[Your Love Is Unspoken] Punk! Levi x Mute! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now