Mama's Boys

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A/N: Okay, so, this kinda ended up being a lemon. Like I'm really sorry, but yeah.

So, if you don't like lemons....skip

"I holds mama hand," a tiny voice piped up behind you in the supermarket.

"No! Me," another retorted, coming from a slightly different position near the initial one.

Precious fingertips began to dance in the air, "Mommy has two hands," you looked down at the twins, reaching out with both of your palms. The two boys happily grabbed onto your fingertips, jumping in place.

In the background, Levi hid his disappointed sentiments behind his stoic mask. Why didn't the boys want to hold their father's hand? Dad's are cool....right? He half angrily tossed a bag of lettuce into the cart, and checked the list again to make sure he'd gotten everything.

A few patrons passed, looking questionably on the small family, all either thinking that you had the cutest family imaginable or that something didn't quite add up with a tatted guy and the sweet little thing that you were. They all scurried away when his steel daggers sliced into their corneas, though.

The cold air wafting from the refrigerated display actually felt pretty nice against Levi's heated face. He remained planted there, only wishing to god that those boys who were in the terrible two's stage hadn't noticed the bakery area nearby. The air puffed on his face, fighting away the hot sensation of being annoyed from off of his skin. He really just wants to go home.

"Papa! Papa!", Levi was snatched out of his shopping focus at the frantic little voice, "Gets that one! Gets! Gets!", your husband made his way over to the hopping 2 year old, and not too far away, you had Jeremy clinging to your side helping you pick out the 'most prettiest apple'. Levi couldn't wipe the scowl off his face as he realized the area the little boy was located at.

Your beloved's feline eyes bounced from the small form of Jasper and trailed up to where his 'grabby hand' motions were directed. Immediately his eyes narrowed, "No",

"But, but, b-buh-buuuaaahAAAAA!", Jasper collapsed to the floor, writhing in mock pain. He had to get the butterscotch krimpet, "PAHPAAAAH". The gloriously greasy and unhealthy snack was within his grasp, but big bad daddy bear just wasn't having it today. Jeremy was watching the whole scene unfold, all while hiding behind your hair, his little arms snaked around your neck.

All Levi could do was stare down at the hysterical boy, 'Damn Hanji for giving my boys filthy fucking snacks, it's like fuckin heroin.'

"Mama, why Jasper sad?", Jeremy looked up at you, his hands gripping fistfuls of your collar and his tiny brows scrunched in apprehension.

"He's okay. Don't worry", your slim digits spoke to him, and you gave him a little peck on the nose that brought out the precious little smile of his. The boys' knowledge in sign language was rather limited, so you had to use simpler things that they could learn and understand quickly for now, at least until you'd find time to bring them to classes.

Jeremy was a lot more docile than Jasper was. The two were carbon copies physically: same jet black hair like their father's, smooth [S/C] skin that reflected your complexion, bright and sharp [E/C] orbs, button noses, and miniature frowns that they undoubtedly received from Humanity's Biggest Meanie.

You loved the two of them so much, and so did Levi, but Jasper's tantrums had the tendency to get out of hand lately. Jasper would scream and scream, but if in the same position, Jeremy would just silently cry and try to avoid physical contact.

The little gremlin's screams echoed in the market, and Levi rose a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. Leaning over, your husband scooped the boy up against his hip, "Jas, You know why papa doesn't buy those?", Jasper's screams minimized, only because he was in his father's warm arms, but he kept sniffling and shoving his little hands against his eyes to remove the big globs of tears. Levi made his way over to you, the chains on his combat boots jingling with each stomp.

[Your Love Is Unspoken] Punk! Levi x Mute! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now