The Dream

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Peter's POV

Later that day I got a call from Liam saying that they couldn't make it to watch the game with Lauren and I. I went into the guest room and laid down with Lauren again.

I woke up again at 10pm. I went to my room and slept. In the morning I found Lauren gone. She left a note on my night stand. "I went to my suite to pack up my stuff.

I'm going to move in with you. You have a cool place and friends but most of all, I love to be with you. I should be back before 12. Until then Lauren."

I felt a small smile tugging at my lips. I heard the front door open and went to help Lauren get her bags. She had a lot of stuff but we got it all moved in.

Lauren's POV

I got all my of stuff moved in to Peter's place. I decided to sleep with Peter since we were getting pretty serious even though we haven't even been on our first date yet.

"We should go on our first date today.... at lunch." "Lets go now! I am a bit hungry." We got in the car and drove to Bel Canto Cafe. There we got coffee cookies. We talked mostly about fun vacations.

Peter's POV

We headed home and I took a nap. During that nap I had a dream.  


I put the ring in her muffin... Is it way too soon? I've only been with her for 2 weeks. She took a bite of the muffin. "There's something hard in my muffin. A ring? Are you serious?! (Lauren laughs) No!! I will never marry you!! HA! She got up and left.  


"AAAAAAAAAAAH!!",I screamed "What happened? Are you ok?" "Yeah I had a terrible dream." "About what?" "Well I... You... I put it in a muffin.. You said no..." "Please tell me what happened in full sentences." She chuckled. "Well we were at a coffee shop and I put a ring in your muffin and you said no I will never marry you and then you laughed in my face...."

"Why would you think like that?" "I ,I don't know." "Well I love you. Don't you ever forget it." "I'm glad you feel the same. So do you want to go to the carnival down town today?

It'll be in town for a couple of days. We could go today when's its really busy or tomorrow. I have work on Monday so I won't be able to go until after 8." "Ok. Speaking of jobs I need one. I mean if I'm going to live with you I need to help pay for the bills and groceries and stuff like that."

"If I remember correctly there's a job opening at La Petite. It's a daycare center near the building I work in. I could drop you off on Monday so you can apply there if you want." "That sounds like a great idea!! I'm great with kids." "Good luck."


Lauren's POV

We're on our way to La Petite. I'm a little nervous because its my first job working around kids all day. I don't know if they'll like me. I hope so. My life will be miserable and I don't want to be stuck working for something I don't want to do. "All right we're here. Good luck!!" I get out of the car and reach for the door, open it, and step inside to the front desk.

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