Safe and Sound?

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Ally's POV:

Who can I trust now? Do I actually believe the cops with get Stevie and Moonshine to is? I don't know what even is life right now. Why did my dad track me here? My head hurts with all these questions running through my mind. Before I know It Danny and I are at a hotel.

A: Dan.....

D: I know Ally I know.

Danny comes and huge me and I just break down. Good thing Danny is my best friend and doesn't judge me for having a breakdown.

End of Ally's POV

Stevie's POV:

What the actual fuck is all I could say to Moonshine as we both watch a police car take Danny and Ally away! Ally is gone! No fuck no, I have to go find her. I text her to see What is going on..

S: babe what is happening? I need to know you're safe!

Ten minutes go by and no response. Some of the policemen are still here, fuck it I'm going to ask them. Good thing Moonshine can basically read my mind and is at the door before I am.

S: um hello police officer?

P.O.: yes ma'am

S: I'm Stevie Boebi and I'm Allison's girlfriend so I deserve to know where she was taken.

P.O.: oh Miss Boebi, we cant release that information but I'm going to need you to trust me and you and your friend get in my squad car.

S: no wtf. Why would I do something crazy like willing get in the back of a squad car.

This is all becoming too much and I just I need ally to be back and in my arms.

P.O.: ma'am please here maybe this will explain.

The officer handed me a little folded note. I open it to see that it was Ally's handwritting...The letter says:

Dear Penguin,

My dad has done bad things so now the police fear for my safety and has taken Danny and I to a hotel. We told them that we couldn't go without you and Moonshine so they are bringing yall once they get a location. Please don't freak out, you and Moonshine will be here with is shortly. I LOVE YOU.


Your pretty girlfriend

Omg Ally still amazes me. I love her so much. Crazy in such a short time Ally has become the love of my life and I couldn't be happier.

S: Alright I trust you. Moonshine let's go.

P.O.: thank you and I'm sorry this is happening.

End of Stevie's POV

Third person:

Stevie and Moonshine get in the squad car to meet with Ally and Danny. Ally and Danny are at the hotel pacing from the door to the window. Ally is beyond nervous because she feels like she can't trust anyone but Danny, Stevie and Moonshine. Its been about 15 hours since they left with the police. And suddenly a knock on the hotel door.

Ally's POV:

Danny is near the door when a knock at the door happened. We both jumped and looked at each other. Danny whispers to me

D: go to the bathroom and lock the door.

I quietly but quickly go into the bathroom, lock the door, sit in the bathtub and pull the curtain close. I hear Danny talking to a did my dad find is again? Will this ever end? And then Danny did a secret knock and I opened it...But to my surprise the person standing at the door was Stevie!!! Omg! I immediately grab her into the biggest and tightest hug we have ever shared.

S: hey pretty girl! I've missed you so much.

A: penguin I've missed you so much more.

And to prove how much I missed her, I grabbed her face and pulled her sweet soft lips to mine and kiss her like we haven't seen each other in years. I mean I know It was only like 15 hours but still it felt like years. Stevie pulls away, God I miss her lips but she seems like she has something on her mind...

A: are you okay penguin?

S: um not really...

A: omg what wrong? What happened?!

S: it's nothing bad pretty, I just want to take a shower....together

A: is that all penguin? You scared me.

S: yes and I was able to go in your apartment and get you some clothes but we have to share.

A: that's perfectly find with me.

We go out to where the suitcases are and Danny is laying in bed 28th Moonshine sound asleep. Awh they're so cute, I want them to be together already. Stevie gets the suitcases she got and throws them on the bed and picks out her an outfit.

S: I'll start the shower pretty.

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