Chapter eight

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Summer asked " where is Macy". Summer friends said " we don't know where she is??". Summer said "we got to find her!!". Summer drived off of the parking lot of walgreens and started to head home. Summer finally got to her house, after 25 mins from Walgreens. Summer and her awesome friends got out of the van, except macy. Summer and her friends, except macy walked up the stairs to get to Summer's house. Summer got to her front door and went in her purse and grad her house key, Summer put the key in the lock on the door and turn the key, Summer turned the door knob and open the door. Summer and her friends except for macy, walked in summer's house. Anetta went into her purse to get some lip gross and some carmax until she saw the note that she put in her purse from earier. Anetta said "i'm going in the bathroom to use your morror summer". Summer said "ok that's fine with me". Anetta got done putting lip gloss and carmax on her lips. Anetta said "i'm going in your room summer". Summer said that's fine with me". Anetta went into summer's room and close her door. Anetta unfolded the note that jace gave her and the note says:
1. My phone number is 314-472-4406
2. I really like you and i want to get together with you
3. Most important thing of all is that you are a shadowhunter like me, clary, isabelle, and alec.
4. Ill show you were the institute is
So give me a call and ill tell you more over at the institute.
Anetta got done reading the note that jace gave her, when Anetta heard a knock on the bedroom door. Caitlin asked Anetta "are you in there, if you are, come out its an emergency". So Anetta open the door and came out of the bedroom. Anetta asked " what's going on?". Caitlin said "summer is missing and we looked all over this house and in the nieghborhood to see if anyone has seen her, but we can't find her and nobody in the nieghborhood has seen her". Anetta said "OH MY GOD, WE GOT TO FIND HER".

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