chapter two

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The six people were fighting for a few minutes, Anetta joined in, kicking and swinging with a precision none of her friends knew she had.Aileen joined in as well, punching angrily at anyone who seemed a threat, she was in Kungfoo from the age of five, so they we're aware of her skill. The now eight people finally finished fighting all the strange black eyed people. A tall man with long blonde hair asked if they were OK. Yes, now who the hell are you?" Asked Caitlin.  "Well..." the blonde man said, gesturing to himself. I'm jace, this is Clary, Simon. Jace, Isabelle, and Alec." The one identified as Alec speaks up. "we are shadowhunters." "I'm a mandane which is human." Simon adds. Isabelle nods, her raven locks bouncing. "we fight any living thing that is... bad because we are shadowhunters." She says this, looking into Anetta's eyes with confusion. "we protect people with our lives." Jace finishes, looking expectantly at the girls."well, I'm Samantha, and I'm Batman. The red head is summer, our resident badass is  Aileen, our fashion mogol Cassie, our strangely awesome anetta, our faverotite brunette Caitlin, our genius Kara, our super hot  Macy, and mariah, Barbie in training. The shadowhunters nodded in bored understanding. "this store is destroyed now and the owners can't sell anything. So they all decided to offer to fix the store and get it back together with new things. It took 2 hours to fix all of it.  They all silently, but unanimously agreed to close the store and to go home. "That was excruciating" Summer says,rubbing her temples in frustration. Alec says "anyways we need to get going." Clary says. The shadow hunters said goodbye and Jace turns towards the smaller girls. "I hope to see you all again" he says, putting emphasis on the 'all' part, looking only at Anetta.

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