Yo! Pierogi!

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Ame's  POV

"Yo! P! I got your coffee." I say, handing her the plastic cup. "Thanks Ame. I had to fight Opal to bed last night after you passed out. I swear, if we get another homicide, I'm gonna lose it." Garnet walks in and throws a file on P's desk. "Looks like you're gonna lose it, Pearl." "Another one?" "Yep. A woman named Rose Quartz. COD was massive blood loss from a wound in her torso." I see Pearl's face pale before she pushes it down. "Garnet, let's pass on this case." "Why? It's not like you to pass up a case, Amethyst." I shoot a glance to Pearl and say, "P needs time to recover from the last mission, before she kills a suspect." Usually, she'd be upset about this comment, but this time she only seemed relived that she didn't have to work the case. The rest of the day goes by relatively normaly, except for Pearl being a bit more spaced out than usual. When we get home, she heads off to Opal's room and I grab her wrist. "I'll get Opal. Go lay down." "But-" "Go. To. Bed." She sighs and turns twords the room. I walk into Opal's room to see her dosing off. "Momma Ame? Where's Momma Pearl?" "Momma P is going through some stuff right now, she's in bed." she yawns. "Okay, g'night..." and she promptly falls asleep. I walk back to the room and pick up Pearl and bring her to my bed. "What are you doing?" "I saw your face today. How do you know Rose Quartz?" "What?" "Spill now." "She was a teacher of mine. Taught me to fight." P had already moved to curl around me like she always does when she gets upset and vents to me about it. "I really did admire her... She always wanted the best for everyone. She wanted a peaceful world, and I told her I was gonna make it for her.... She died before I could." After a bit more venting, we both fall asleep like that.
Next morning
"P, get up. We need to take Opal to school." "You can do that." "No I can't. They don't let me drop off or pick up Opal. Not after I came in with my gun in plain veiw." "Why was it on you in the first place?" "Because, it always is. Up. Now. I'll get Opal." I rush to Opal's room, only to remember it's Saturday. "SHIT!" P rushes out and I grab her arm "Chill, wrong day." "Then why did you wake me up?" I scratch the back of my neck. " I thought it was Friday... Sorry." her face screws up. "I-... It's okay. A lot happened last night..." It seems like she just realized what had happened. "Did I immagine last night? I really hope i did." "Sorry, P. You didn't..." She pulls a face that, for once, I couldn't read. "You okay?" "I'm fine. Need coffee." she heads off to the kitcen. At times like this, it's best to leave her alone to think. I need to take Opal out for the day.
Later, I had Opal dressed and was going to a friend's house, when Opal asked, "What's wrong with Mamma P?" I sigh. "It has to do with work, Opal. Best not to worry your little head off about it. Maybe Malachite can help you think it out." "Would Mala know?" "I don't know." "So she might?" "Maybe.""Okay, I'll ask her." Kid logic. I my not understand it, but it can come in handy. A few minutes later, we get to Lapis and Peridot's house. Home of Opal's best friend Malachite. I send her off to play and walk up to Lapis. "Hey Laps. How's the dork been doing?" "Same as ever, glued to a computer screen." "Is Mala gonna end up a nerd like her mamma? Or a badass, like her other Momma?" "Not sure yet. Peri's actually a really good role model. Nerds are really good roles to watch." "Opal looks like she wants to take after P." "Not a bad choice. You wouldn't have been either, but Pearl is more collected and calm than you, and we don't need her that wild at this age.""Yeah, yeah." I walk inside and make my way to Peri's computer room. "Hey nerd." I hear a deep sigh from the blond. "Why if it isn't my faveroite purple haired detective. How've you been?" "We had another murde last night. Had to pass it up, but I have a feeling this is a case P won't stop working on." "Who's the victim?" "Rose Quartz Unierse. A colse friend of P's." "Then youre right. This is a case that Pearl won't stop working on untill her killer is dead, or at least in prison." "I left her at home to think. She was out of it this morning. She's probably on the computer doing work right now. And Opal's starting to worry about her. I think she heard P crying last night." "Never good for a chiled to worry about her parents.Not that she shouldn't, just that she should be enjoying her chiledhood, especially Opal.The poor girl has already had so much taken from her." "I worry for our adopted kid. She seems to know the world better than an average kid does. She seems to want to rush the time she has being a kid." "She says she wants to protect you two.She comes to me often to vent, and told me about how much she just want to protect you guys."

"She does?" "Yeah, she usually comes to me when you're talking to Lapis. She's worried that one day you two won't be able to protect yourselves and she wants to." This takes me back a bit. P has always been able to protect herself, and since I started at the FBI, l've been able to. "I'll keep that in mind." "You really should."
About an hour later, I drag Opal away from Malachite and head home. "We need to head home to make sure P's not exausting herself. And then I'll fix you something to eat." "Momma.... Are you sure Momma P is okay? She seemed out of it this morning." "She was. An old friend of hers was killed last night. She's a little torn up about it. She needed some time to think. She should be good by now." "Good. It worries me when Momma P gets upset like that. I heard her crying last night." "Opal, you could have come to our room if you wanted to. We wouldn't have minded." "I know, but I know you two fall asleep together on nights like last night. It's cute, and i like it." "You, kid, are just like P. She says thingslike that all the time." "Really?" she seems happy. "Yeah. You seem to take after her."

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