Feeling You

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Sabrina POV

I'd been at Zo's house for two weeks. I've observed a lot. Like a way to leave. Oh shit had been miserable. Mandy is such a bitch and makes it a living hell here. She finds every reason possible to have a problem with me.

Zo is focused on his cartel so he doesn't really notice any of the bullshit. I've tried talking to him, but he won't listen. He always avoids me like the plague. I don't understand him.

Maurice is the only highlight of living here. He makes me laugh and he's even taken me to his apartment. It was really nice. He and I have built a great friendship and I think I might like him as more.

It finally sunk in that Carlton really sold me and I might never see him again. I don't really mind
Anyone who would beat me and sell everything he has including me, someone he claimed he loved, for drugs is someone I don't want to be around. Even if I was with him for two weeks. I just will not and can not do it.

"Come on. It's time for your boxing lessons." Maurice said grabbing my hand.

We left and got in his Chrysler 300. He drove me to the place where he'd signed me up for boxing classes last week just in case Carlton ever showed up or any occasion where I needed to know how to box in order to defend myself occurred.

We pulled up and walked into the place. My boxing teacher, Jim, came over and gave me a hug. He was a muscular white man in his mid forties.

"If it isn't the two piece queen." Jim said smiling at me.

I'd done a number on him when he told me to think of Carlton while I was boxing. As a matter of fact, his lip was still busted.

"Ready to began?" Jim asked.

I nodded eagerly. Today I was going to think of Mandy. That bitch had me fucked up, down, sideways, and any other direction. She made me so mad sometimes. I just wanted to bash her head in.

Jim taught me two new moves. I'm a fast learner and I got the hang of it in minutes. Maurice watched in awe as if he had never seen a girl punch someone before. When the session was finished, Maurice took me out for ice cream.

"What would you like to order?" The man behind the counter who was checking me out asked.

"Cookies and cream. Three scoops." I said.

"Oh...mmmm... ok." The man said as he stared at me.

My bruises had mostly faded and I had started wearing a little makeup to cover any left over marks on my face. My skin looked it's natural dark smooth nature. I don't have acne anymore, thank god, and I always had soft, blemish less face before I got with Carlton.

"Dude! Do you not see me standing here!?" Maurice said getting mad and banging his fist in the counter scaring the man.

I frowned at his outburst. He is a little aggressive when it comes to guys looking at me. He be checking the hell out of them. Carlton never cared when men would look at me. He would be looking at other women.

"Y.y...yes sir. What can I get you Sir?" The man said stuttering in fear.

"I want three scoops of vanilla and one scoop of cookies and cream." Maurice spoke.

"Y...yes sir." The man said typing in Maurice's and I's orders on the screen.

Five minutes later, we left with our ice cream. Maurice said he didn't want to eat at the restaurant with a disrespectful little punk bitch working there. His words not mine. He's a bit blunt at times.


"What are you doing?" Zo asked.

I was sitting on the couch surfing the web for a job. I wanted to be independent again. I wanted to leave this place and get my own apartment. I just wanted to be alone...and away from Mandy.

"I'm looking for a job." I said simply.

"Nope." Zo said closing the laptop.

"What chu mean no?" I asked looking at him like he was crazy.

"You can't work. You were reported missing." He said.

"What? Well let me go down to the police station and tell them I'm not missing." I said.

"Can't take that chance. As a matter of fact, we gotta change your name now. I hope you already have something in mind." He said walking away.

I sat there in shock. I didn't have any friends and none of my family cared about me. It had to have been... Carlton.

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