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Mandy & Sabrina in MM

Sapphire. That's the name that was chosen for me. I'm still trying to get used to it. I go by Sapphire now and even Zo and Maurice call me that around the house so that I can get used to it. They had some connects that legally changed my name and gave me a new age. I'm now Sapphire Kinsley. Age 25 and birth date May 7th.

Nobody asked me if I wanted this name or if I liked it. They just changed it. I woke up to my fake birth certificate and government papers saying that I was a resident of the United States. Maurice told me that since Carlton had all my old credit cards and all my other identity, he had bought all kinds of shit and run me into debt $75,000. I hope he rots in hell after I find and kill him.

Oh yes, I decided I wanted to either kill him or have him killed for all the shit he put me through. A whole year of pure torture and then to have me thrown out of my life and into another is the last straw. How could he? After all I'd done for him and this is what he does. Niggas really ain't shit.

I haven't been aloud to leave the house, so my nerves have been bad. It's been a months since I left the house. Dealing with Mandy has been harder for me. I'm so close to snapping her neck it's not even funny.

I was walking down the stairs after I'd gotten dressed because Maurice said he was going to take me to his place to chill with him. Mandy was walking into the house, and when she saw me, she got a mischievous smirk on her face.

"Well well well, look at the fat bitch thinking she cute." She said smiling as if she'd just called me beautiful.

"Bitch fuck you." I said angrily.

A shocked expression came over her face. I usually don't say anything to her when she talks her shit, but today wasn't a good day.

"What did you just call me?" She said walking up in my face.

She was taller than me by two inches. But I knew I could take her.

"I called you a bitch. The same thing you just called me. You get treated how you treat others." I said smirking.

She slapped me. She really put her hands on me. For the first time, I stood up for myself, and I got slapped. And I saw red. I tackled her to the floor and started punching her and pulling her hair. Then I saw black. I'm not sure what I did after that.

"Get her off me!" I heard Mandy yelling as Zo and Maurice pulled me off her.

"Let me whoop her ass! Let me whoop her ass!" I yelled.

"Calm down mami." Maurice said holding me tightly by my waist.

"Help me up." Mandy cried as her nose and mouth dripped with blood.

Zo picked her up and took her upstairs. Maurice pulled me into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see a busted lip, a bruise on my arm, and a scratch on my cheek. For once I didn't feel distraught and ugly with these marks. I felt victorious because I did way more damage to her.

"She busted my lip! I'm a beat her ass!" I yelled.

"Chill. Just sit yo mad ass down." Maurice said picking me up and sitting me on the counter. He so strong.

I took a breather. As soon as Maurice moved back from me after making sure I was calm, I jumped off the counter and tried to get out the door to find that bitch and whoop her ass again. He caught me and pit me back on the counter and stood in between my legs so I couldn't go anywhere. I was heated. I started crying because I was so mad.

Maurice wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck softly. I let out moans. I knew he was trying to calm me down, so I kept trying to move away, but he had me in a tight grip and his lips felt good on my neck.

"Chill mami. You'll be fine. I promise. Don't let her get to you." He said as he rubbed his large hands up and down my thighs.

It had been a little while since I'd had sex, and I hadn't really had time to think about all that with what's been going on, so this brought me by surprise. I knew I was horny as hell now. Maurice wrapped my legs around his waist and put his lips on mine. The pressure causes my lip to hurt and I jerked away.

Maurice looked at my lip and got some alcohol and a tissue. He cleaned my cuts and scratches. He then slid me off the counter picked me up. He took me to his car and drove me to his apartment.

Zo pov

"I want her out of this house today! She fucking attacked me!" Mandy screamed.

Mandy told me Sapphire attacked her for no reason. To be honest, I don't believe that. Mandy's been picking at her and probably provoked the whole fight to begin with. I shook my head and sat on the bed.

"So you don't care?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

To be honest, Mandy is so fucking dramatic and I'm getting fed up with the shit. It's uncalled for and annoying. We grown and she acting like a fucking high schooler.

"No. I don't. You got what you deserved for always messing with her." I said looking bored.

"Fine then I'll just pack my shit and leave." She said going to the closet to get her things.

"Bye." I said. She gasped and started crying while packing her stuff.

Two hours later

After Mandy left, I watched cartoons with Payton, who seemed to be happy she was gone. I then heard a knock on my door. It was a special knock pattern that let me know it was Maurice.

I opened the door and he walked in with Sapphire clinging to his arm. She said nothing and he looked kind of angry.

"So I'm chilling with Sapphire and Mandy shoes up. I ask her what's going on and she says you kicked her out." Maurice says looking as if he's bored with the whole situation.

"Wow. She just left after I didn't feed into her bullshit lies about Sapphire." I said.

I looked at Sapphire/ Sabrina and noticed how pretty she still looked. I didn't really agree that much with her spending so much time with Maurice. He can't handle a girl like her. She's got too much baggage. She's more my speed. Even though she's not my type. She's about 100 pounds bigger than my type, but there is something about her that makes me not even care about that shit.

"I know man. But I can't have those two in the same house. So I brought Sapphire back here. I need to talk to Mandy and make sure she cool." Maurice said.

"Alright." I said knowing full well Maurice shouldn't trust me alone with Sapphire.

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