chapter three

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Mrs. Stem droned on and on about Hamlet (which I have already read like 3 times already) while I tried to pay attention and write the notes. But my eyes kept wandering from the front board to Trevor. He was just so yummy. I was busy day dreaming about him and it took me a while to notice that he was staring back at me. Oh my goodness, he just caught me staring! I could feel my whole face turning bright red and I shoved my face in to my book. I was trying to look busy when thankfully my cell vibrated.

Thanks a lot loser I actually really have to p now!!! - Silly

You poor dear, how will you evr survive! :O - Hails

You will feel bad when I get a bladder infection or something and p everywhere all the time - Silly

“Ew,” I said out loud. I quickly looked around to make sure no one heard me speak out to myself like a weirdo, which I unfortunately do all the time. No one was looking at me except for… oh gosh. Trevor. He was staring right at me. I looked quickly to the board and tried not to look at him again, but I could see him staring at me in my peripheral vision. He stared at me practically all class, or maybe it was just my imagination. When the bell rang I glanced over at him and saw him hang his arm around Becca Carter, his current girlfriend, and I let out a sigh. It was just my imagination, of course he wasn’t staring at me. I picked up my backpack and made my way to my next class. 

Math always flew by quickly, for me at least. By the end of class I already had that nights homework and my in class work done. Sometimes I helped my friend Colin with his too, no big deal or anything. 

My school days were usually always the same, followed the same routine. After math came lunch where Silly, Mike, and I sat in the cafeteria with a group of people. 

Our school didn’t really have the whole clicks sit at different tables thing, especially at our table. There was a mixture of the kind of party people Silly and Mike hang out with, and the academically inclined people I talked to. It was an interesting group to say the least. After lunch came my last few classes then after school soccer practice. 

I was carrying the bag of soccer balls over to the field when my phone started ringing. I went to grab it from my backpack and hit the answer button, which made me lose my hold on the bag and the soccer balls all fell out and started rolling down the hill. 

“Crap! Hello,” I said while I scrambled to collect the fleeing balls.

“Oh did I call you at a bad time honey?” My mother said.

“I’m just on my way to soccer practice and when I went to answer your call I dropped all the soccer balls,” I said reaching down to grab one. I was turning around to bring it back to the bag when I smacked right into someone.

“I’m sorry!” I said, looking up at my collision partner. I found myself staring into the face of none other then Trevor.

“Hailey, hello? Did you drop something again?” my mom giggle through the phone.

“Sorry mom, got to go I’ll call you after practice,” I said and I quickly hung up. 

“Need help?” Trevor said with a cute little smile. 

“With what?” I asked like a genius. “Oh. Right uhm. Yes please.”

He went down the hill and grabbed the ones that had gone down while I collected the ones near by. More had gone down the hill so when I was done I watched him. Yes I sound like a total creep but I couldn’t help staring at his butt as he bent over, and he had a really nice butt for a guy!

He brought them all up and put them back in the bag.

“Here I’ll carry them for you,” he said, taking the bag from me. I couldn’t say anything, though I know I should have said thank you or something. Instead I just started to walk towards the field. 

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