chapter ten

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Chapter ten

“Hailey are you okay?” I could hear Trevor ask me, though my ear was throbbing still and he sounded miles away. I was in shock, complete and utter shock that I didn’t know where to start. Where were my clothes? How far away was my house from here?

“Hailey babe talk to me please, are you alright?” Trevor said as he began to wrap me in his arms. That snapped me out of my shock and I began to struggle. 

“Get the fuck off of me Trevor! DON’T TOUCH ME,” I screamed so hard it hurt my throat. I began to cry again as I slid away from him and began looking for my clothes. He stayed silent still sitting on the floor, just watching me.

I changed quickly into my clothes and made a dash towards the door. Unfortunately he was much faster then I was and he blocked my path and grabbed my wrist.

“Where are you going?” He hissed, all compassion and worry gone from his face again. How could he change so fast like this? One minute he’s perfect boyfriend material and the next second he turns in to a psycho. I’m frightened. My pulse quickened and my mouth began to dry out. He already hit me and I do not want to know how far he was willing to go when he got angry. 

“Let me go I just want to go home please,” I pleaded, hating that I was so vulnerable.

“You’re not going to leave me are you? Hailey you know I didn’t mean to hit you. I have anger problems I know and trust me I’m going to work on it. Hailey I love you please forgive me,” He began pleading. 

All I knew is that this guy is crazy, and I need to get away.

“ I know it was a mistake, but I do need to go home. We are both very emotional right now so let’s just take a little breather okay? I’ll see you at school on Monday and we can talk at lunch,” I remained as calm as possible and forced myself to make eye contact. The eyes that once gave me butterflies now made me want to puke. If I could just calm him down enough to let me go I’d run home and call the police. I will not let this jackass get away with what he did to me.

“I’ll let you go of course. I’m not a monster,” Trevor laughed so light heartedly it made me angry. It made me hate him down to my core, and I have never hated anyone before. 

“But if you tell anybody, or if you even think of leaving me, I will ruin your life do you understand? You belong to me now and if you cross me you will regret it. I promise you,” Trevor said, still keeping a light tone in his voice.

Could he really? Or is he all talk? I doubt there was anything he could really do while he is locked up in jail.

“And just to make sure you don’t do anything stupid I have something to show you,” Trevor chirped as he went to his side drawer and pulled out a camera. “ You looked so beautiful while you were sleeping I just had to take these.”

Pictures, nude pictures. Of me. Are you kidding me?

“ I can upload these in a jiffy, though I would rather nobody but me see you naked, but I’ll do what I have to.”

I didn’t say anything. He could tell just by looking at me that I wouldn’t say anything. 

The walk home was horrible.  I was relieved that he let me go, but the events of this morning have definitely scarred me. I lost my virginity to a lunatic, I got hit and now I’m trapped.

My mind was so scattered that by the time I got home I was numb. So numb that I didn’t even remember the bruise as I walked through the front door. 

“Hey Hailey is that you?” my brother called from the kitchen.

“Yeah it’s me,” I said walking into the kitchen. We made eye contact and his face dropped.

“What the hell happened to you Hailey?” Nick rushed towards me and took my face in his hands.

“It’s not a big deal, just got an elbow in the face at the dance last night. You know kids and how they dance these days,” I added a pathetic little laugh to lighten the mood, but he wasn’t buying it.

“Bullshit! You didn’t go to the dance last night, mom called Tina’s this morning because your cell phone was off,” Nick barked. 

As if my day couldn’t get any worse. I shouldn’t have lied to my mom, this would never have happened.

“ Where were you actually?” Nick asked. I couldn’t take any more today. My brain was fried and I just wanted to be by myself.

“It’s none of your fucking business where I was Nick? Stop acting like I’m a child, you’re my brother not my parent so just leave me alone,” I yelled, directing my anger to my poor brother even though he was not the root of my anger. I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom. I just needed to clear my head, and nothing does that better then a warm shower. 

I took off my clothes and stepped into the steaming water. It was burning my skin but I needed it. I needed to burn off how dirty I felt for loosing my virginity to someone unworthy. I wanted to burn away the memories of this morning and the fear I have of my future from now on. Trevor had me wrapped around his finger, and I needed to find a way to unwind myself. 

I got straight into my pajamas and crawled in to bed. As I was crying softly there was a light knock on the door. Not waiting for me to respond Nick walked in and sat at the end of my bed.

“Hailey what has gotten in to you?” Nick sounded desperate, I know he really did hate to see me cry. 

“ I got into a fight,” I told him. At least I wasn’t lying really. I told him about my fight with Becca, but nothing more. I know if I told him about Trevor he would lose his shit, and then everyone would know what I looked like naked. 

My parents are going to come home tonight and I’m going to get an earful. I’m going to have to face my mother and see how disappointed she is, how angry my dad is. I’m going to have to lie to them, to everyone. Then school on Monday where I’m going to have to face Becca and Trevor. To sum up how I feel, fuck my life.

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