The true death

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*Last time on Shadowlands, Jace found out Arabella is dead. The queen and Arabella are fighting and Bella is about to meet the truth death. Enjoy

Arabelle P.O.V
The truth death, this queen was mad she had gone crazy
"Let me go you witch" I yelled
"If I were a witch you would already be dead" she spat out
"Well then you need to fix that face, could've fooled me" I replied
Grabbing me by my hair she yelled
"Die, die why won't you just die" She screamed
I slapped her face hard making her fall back
"I will not die" Throwing myself on top of her I grabbed her neck and started chocking her. I held her neck while she screamed under me.
I watched her neck turn black from the curse of my hands. I watched as her dark eyes closed. I let go of her limb body.

The queen was dead

I had killed the queen.

I had killed Jake's mother.

What did I do?

The kingdom needed a queen.

I was truthfully the destruction of this kingdom.
King P.O.V
I watched as her chest stopped going up and down, I yelled for the doctor I watched her pale face turn black
"What is happening" I yelled grabbing the man's neck
"Fix her" I yelled. dropping him. I grabbed my Queens hand

She was dead.

I needed a queen to rule.

This was the death she was talking about.

The shadowlands would awaken

The end was near. We all would have to pray.

God help us all.
Jace P.O.V

I carried Arabella's body to the castle, maybe mother would help me. I wandered around the castle looking for my mother when I asked the servants they looked confused dirty humans. I commented I would never have human slaves.
I entered mothers room, my father on his knees.
"Mother?" I whisper.
Father, looks up at me his face is red from the blood tears. He glances at Arabella
"Get that wretched girl from the queen" he yelled
"She is the death of this kingdom"
Jessica P.O.V
Wandering around the shadowlands, I walked around lost in the thought of what I was going to do with Jace. I still loved him but love was death. Death was love we would be together and I would get that girl away from him. She would kill him with her witch craft and her spells I would save him and we would rule together I would be the queen.
After I killed his mother.

We would together forever

We would rule together.
King P.O.V

"The queen is dead" I tell the council

"The shadowlands, what will they become" someone called out

" The queen was the guardian she held all the demons at bay, but now since she was dead our world as we know it shall be no more" I say
"There is another way, She give the other key to one of children" A women says. She was a witch. I smelled her.

"What do you mean?" I say

"She give the other key to one of her children, one of them has the key" she says

"One of them, me and the queen had one child Jace" I reply

"No, my king Jace was not the only one" she says

Who was my wife

She was a witch.

She had more children.

She was dead.
Arabella P.O.V


I was still dead.

I thought killing the queen.

Would make me alive.

No still dead.

Jace and I were brother and sister

I was toast. Great and I didn't even have butter. ( A/N I'm bad at jokes, I know)
Thanks for reading.




The queen on top

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