chapter [1]

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Red's pov~

I groan as I hear the sound of my alarm going off, I turn over and throw it at my wall, turning over to go back to sleep.

As soon as I'm about to drift off back into dream land I hear,

"RED WAKE UP FATHER WANTS TO TALK TO US!!", I groan at the sound of my sister Angel's voice. I Ignore her yelling as I try to fall back to sleep, Just then I hear someone running to my room, and before I knew it Angel is ripping the covers off of me.

"Get your lazy butt up and come down stares dad wants us." She said.

"Fine, let me get dressed" It takes me about Ten minutes to fully wake up and get out of bed, but when she leaves, I close the door behind her, entering the bathroom.

I wash my face, and brush my teeth. Leaving the bathroom I slip on my slippers and exit my room, walking downstairs to see everyone sitting in the living room waiting for me.

I look at my Sister's and they look back at me shrugging, I sit down and my Father begins to speak.

"Now that we're all here" He says, "Something terrible has happened" He looks at my two sisters and I with sadness, "Your Uncle Rego was killed by a Rival Mafia family of ours, The Availa's" He says their Name with such hatred.
In all the years I've known my dad, I've never seen him so angry, sad, and full of hatred like I see him now.

With anger in my voice I ask him "How'd they Kill him?" I grid my teeth, clenching my jaw.

He says "You don't need to know the details, just know they killed him" I look at my sisters with tear filled eyes, then back at my Father, "I want you three to avenge your Uncles death" He says.

We look at him with such confusion "What can we do?" We all say in unison.

His reply shocks us all.

"What do you mean go to high school?" I say, "We already know everything there is to know, what is the point?"

"I need you three to the find the Avalia's son, and kill him and avenge your Uncles death."

"Kill him?" Angel says in shock.

"Yes, Kill him" My father says with loathe.

"How would we even know who he is or what he loook like?" I say.

"That's for you guys to find out." Says my Dad.

I started to get mad, "You mean to tell me that you want us to kill someone, who you dont even know what he looks like??"
I look over to my sisters for back up, but Angel gives me a look to calm down, While Lillie didnt seem to even care. I look back at my dad and glare, "Fine but dont expect me to stay at school all day"
I grab my phone and storm upstairs to my room, texting my Boyfriends to meet me at our spot. I take a quick shower and change into some Clothes, and slid on some shoes, and go downstairs.

"I'll be back later" I say as I grab my keys to my motorcycle and leave.

Angel's POV~

I look at Red, and she looks at me and walks out the house  pissed. I look and Lil who's sitting there nonchalantly, then at my Father. "What do you mean Kill him?" I said with confusion. "There's nothing more to it, just find him and kill him" My father says firmly.

"How do you want us to do it, Kill him?" I choke out those last to words 'kill him', it's not a easy thing for me, I am a Goodie two-shoes after all. What my father is asking is just crazy, it's insane, it's  something I could never do,something we could go to jail for.

"I don't care how you kill him, I just want it done" I simply nod, and retreat to my room. I lay on my bed pondering on what just happened, what my father is asking of us, it's not right, it's not okay, it's horrible and something I can't even fathom of doing.

I leave my room a couple of hours later to head out for work. I grab the keys to the Porsche, and leave the house. I get in my car and drive to work, I smile when I receive a call from my boyfriend Kayden, I  Bluetooth him to the car.
"Hey babe."

"Hey, what's up?" He says.

"On my way to work" I say.

"Mind if I stop by?" He ask.

I Smiles "You always do."

"I know."

I pondering on whether I should tell about this morning or not..I decided to tell him, but leave the 'killing our rival mafia clans son'.

"My Uncle Rego, died this morning" When I say that it finally hits me that my Uncle is actually dead, it didn't sync in earlier because I was so caught up in the 'Having to kill our rival mafia clans son' situation.

"Oh my gosh, babe I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do?" He says in a worrisome tone.

I clear my throat "No, I'm fine" I wasn't really fine but I didn't want to worry him. "I'll see you when you stop by Starbucks, I love you" then I hang up before he can respond. Just now realizing that I'm crying I wipe my tears away. Parking in front of Starbucks I put on my apron and name tag and enter the cafe.~~~~~
Hey its red this is me and my friends first book you dnt have to like it its for us its for fun if you do thank youuu we do accept ideas this story IS under construction it will change  ~later 연인~

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