How To Make Someone Love You?

21 2 0

Jayy's POV:
*WARNING: Contains a violent suggested rape scene*

A jolting pain meet me as I opened my eyes, groaning in pain I turned my head to look around to find myself surrounded by almost pitch black darkness.

"Dahvie?" I called out weakly "Haylee?" A light suddenly turned on and I tried to move my hand to cover my eyes; only to find my hands chained to the cold stone wall.

"So sleeping beauty is finally awake huh?" Came a sly voice and I couldn't help but cringe away from the dark corner it came from.

"Who are you?" I whimpered, my voice breaking with fear "Please just let me go, I didn't hurt anyone so I don't deserve this".

" Oh but you see you have hurt someone" Sneered the voice evilly "You hurt me!" There was a bang above me and I looked up to see the face of a shadowy figure.

"I'm sorry" I stammered In surprise and the shadow let out a chuckle "There must be some misunderstanding here....".


"I don't even know who you are" I pointed out and a tattooed hand reached down to slap me.

"Let me remind you who I am then" purred the voice, before I could react the shadowy figured landed on top of me.

"Get off me" I snarled trying to get away but the figure held me down firmly. I raised my head to see my attacker and let out a surprised gasp, Jeffree smiled evily down at me and crushed his lips to mine. I gasped out again in shock and Jeffree used the chance to force his tounge into my mouth. I whimpered as I tasted the taste of my own blood in my mouth.

"You know you want me" Jeffree purred in my ear, grinding his bulge against my crotch "Come on, I'm all your's Jayy".

"Get away from me!" I shrieked "I love Dahvie, not you" Jeffree slapped me again and went back to attacking my lips again; grinding on me the whole time. I tried in vain to push Jeffree off me but all that earned was another slap to the face.

"Your so hot Jayy" Jeffree moaned sliding his hands under my shirt and running them down the cold flesh of my chest; his finger making me hiss out in pain.

"Your sick" I spat with as much venom I could muster up "I can't believe you were ever my friend".

" I'm doing this because I am your friend Jayy" Jeffree said breathlessly, a sad and hurt look in his eyes "I'm helping you".

"Helping me?!?" I laughed bitterly "This is not helping me Jeffree, this is Rape and its got to stop!".

" Well you could make this easier on yourself" Jeffree said slowly, running a finger down my chest gently until it reached the top of my pants "You could enjoy this as much as I'm going to".

" I'd rather die than have sex with you, Jeffree" I snarled, Jeffree's face grew into a sad pout for a second before a evil look filled his eyes again.

"You can't say I didn't warn you" Jeffree smirked, he gripped the button of my jeans and started fiddling with the zipper; I felt all my bravery disappear and let out a small whimper.

"Please don't do this" I begged "You better then this Jeffree".

"Am I?" Jeffree asked, stopping for a moment; an unreadable look on his face "I'm not so sure I am" with that he tugged harshly on my jeans and the button landed on the floor, my breathing speed up panic and I tried to get away again but Jeffree shoved me agaisnt the wall making me cry out in pain. Before I knew it, Jeffree had pulled my zipper down and was tugging my jeans and boxers down my legs; hungerily eyeing my crotch as he did so.

"I have so been looking forward to this" Jeffree moaned undoing his own pants and taking them off. "This won't take long, trust me" white spots came covered my vision and I felt a panic attack coming on.

"Please, Please stop" I cried, tears running down my checks "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!".

" Oh I think I can" Jeffree smirked "And I think I will" Jeffree flipped me over, despite my efforts to over power him; and climbed back on top of me. By now I was having a full blown panic attack and I felt like I could pass out at any second.

"Please stop" I muttered weakly as a last attempt to get Jeffree to change his mind, Jeffree just laughed and I felt a burning pain as he inserted himself into me. I couldnt help but scream out in shock and pain. Jeffree pulled out but thrust right back in even harder and I screamed again.

"Shut up you cunt" Jeffree moaned in annoyance "Your fucking pathetic!" I whimpered as he pulled out and thrust back in once again, I felt a sharp slap meet the side of my face and the darkness finally consumed me.

Authors Note:

Hey everyone!!
Sorry about taking such a long time to update but here it is, was rather dark though wasn't it? I am one fucked up person XD.

Anyway I hope you like this chapter and I apologize if there are any mis-spelt words or grammar mistakes as I am typing this up on my phone. My stupid computer has a virius in it and has to be reformatted which is happening in a few days time but until then all updates will be done on my phone (Unless I can borrow my mums lap top but that is highly unlikely to happen).
Please vote and all that stuff, and most of all tell me what you think about the story. Is there anything I need to fix? Is there something you'd like to surgest? Comment it and I will get back to ya all.

Aku Cinta Kamu!!!

P.S Enjoy this amazing picture of Jayy I found :D

I love you but do you love me?(BoyXBoy)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now