The Sorry Rapist... Wait What?!?

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Jeffree POV:

WARNING: Mature content below

I screamed as I released my load into Jayy and pulled out, panting tiredly as I did so. Jayy whimpered and curled into a tight ball on the floor beside me, guilt filled me as my eyes made sight of the puddle of blood that pooled out beneath him.

"I'm so sorry Jayy" I whispered, horrified at what I'd done, Jayy just glared at me and curled further into his protection ball "Please forgive me, I won't do it again; please just forgive me".

"I will never forgive you" Jayy snarled angrily and I couldn't help but wince at the venom that laced his voice "I hope you burn in fucking hell you fucking asshole".

" Jayy I'm..." Jayy kicked me in the side and I froze in shock.

"Just get the fuck away from me Jeffree" Jayy demanded coldly "I don't want you touching me ever again".

" But Jayy..." He sent me a venomous glare "Fine I'm leaving alright?" Jayy just scoffed and turned away from me. A stray tear slid down my face as I got up and put my clothes back on, then with one last look at Jayy's curled up figure; I fled the room, locking the door behind me.

Dahvie POV:

"But isn't there anything you can do?" I begged the police officer, clutching the phone for dear life "He could be hurt, Jeffree can't be trusted!".

"I know you're concerned Mr. Vanity but we are doing all we possibly can for your boyfriend" the officer replied gently "Mr. Monroe will be found soon don't you worry but until then you need to stop worrying so much and let us do our job".

" I'm sorry" I sniffed, a lone tear slid down my face "I don't mean to be a bother, I just want Jayy back".

" I know mate" The officer said kindly "Mr. Monroe will be found and Mr. Stars will pay for what he's done, we'll make sure of it".

" Thank you" I muttered and ended the call. A pair of skinny arms circled my waist and pulled me to them, with a sigh I leaned back into the person's touch.

"I know your hurting Dahv but you're not alone" Hayley told me, stroking my hair gently "Jayy's tough, he'll be fine".

" I can't lose him" I sobbed, no longer able to hold back the tears "He's everything to me".

" I know Darling" Hayley said gently "You are not gonna lose him".

" But I did lose him" I sobbed "What if he doesn't want me back when he gets found?".

" Oh hush" Hayley snapped in annoyance but not unkindly "I saw his face after I told him that the photo was a setup, he forgave you instantly".

"Really?" I asked and Haylee nodded.

"He was upset at Jeffree but his face lit up the second he heard your name" I couldn't help the large smile that descended on my face as soon as I heard those words.

"Maybe I haven't lost him then" I smiled, jumping to my feet I grabbed Haley's hand; dragging her up with me. "Come on, we're gonna go get some Ice Cream".

"Ice cream?" Hayley asked excitedly, jumping up and down childishly. I laughed at her and she hit me lightly on the arm, a smirk on her face.

"You meanie" I cried dramatically and she let out a laugh, I grabbed my car keys and we made our way to the car but before we could get in, or even unlock the car; my phone rang.

"It's the police" Hayley told me, looking over my shoulder as I took my phone out of my pocket " We should answer" I nodded and pressed the 'accept call' button.

"Hello?" I answered "Dahvie Vanity speaking" Haley rolled her eyes at me and mouthed 'Nah shit sherlock' at me, I simply poked my tongue out at her.

"I would hope it was Dahvie Vanity considering that is who I intended to ring" replied a deep voice "This is Officer Blackwood, I've been told you are Jayy Von Monroe's boyfriend?".

"Yes I am" I confirmed, unease in my voice "Has he been found?" Hayley looked up sharply, a serious and worried look clear on her face.

"Mr. Monroe's location has been found yes" Officer Blackwood told me "We're not sure what shape he is in though".

"He'll be fine though right?" I asked, my throat closing up with worry "You guys are going to go get him aren't you?".

"It's not that simple I'm afraid" Blackwood informed me and I felt my heart sink "Mr. Stars is being stubborn and is threatening to harm Mr. Monroe if we do anything so we have to think of a way around it".

"And you're just going to leave Jayy with that psycho?!?" I exploded angrily "Who knows what Jeffree has done to him!".

"We're doing all we can Mr. Vanity" Blackwoods simply replied "We ask that you are patient with us" I curled my fist up in anger and Hayley put her hand on top of it, shaking her head at me as she did do.

"Can you at least tell me when he is?" I asked, taking a deep breath to calm myself down "Please I just want to know for curiosity reasons".

"I'm not actually allowed to tell you but..." Blackwood broke off with a heavy sigh "He's being held in the basement of Mr. Stars holiday home".

"Okay thank you" I smiled, a plan already forming in my mind "I won't tell anyone" Officer Blackwoods and I said our goodbyes and hung up.

"What are you plotting Dahv?" Hayley asked leaning against the car, a worried look on her face "And don't you dare tell me you're not plotting something, I can tell by the look on your face".

"I may have a plan" I smirked, turning to her "And it might just be crazy enough to work" Hayley gave me a wary look but gestured for me to carry on anyway "Okay since the police are useless so we're going have to get him back ourselves".

"Nope" Hayley said shaking her head at me "Not happening, too dangerous; I think we should just let the police to deal with this".

"No way" I snapped angrily "I'm getting Jayy back today wherever you help me or not" I snatched the car keys from her hands and climbed into the car, after a second Hayley slipped into the seat beside me.

"Fine I'll help" Hayley sighed and I let out a childish 'yay' "But only because I can tell you're not going to change your mind and I'd rather have you alive then dead".

"I'd rather be alive as well" I laughed before I went serious "So here's the plan" Five minutes later we were on the road on our way to Jeffree's holiday house.

"Jeffree Star, you are going down!" Hayley smiled evilly as the house came into our sight, after parking in a spot that was hidden from view of the house we got out.

"Ready?" I asked her, she nodded "Then let's do this shit!!"


Author's Note:

Please read :3

Yay, finally a computer to write on!!!

I was only going to do twelve chapters for this story but I've now decided to extended it to fourteen chapters.The next update may take a bit longer since I want to try update one of my other fanfictions (Glitter And Words) as well as this one but I think you've pretty much figured out that I don't always update on time (Actually I never really update on time XD) however from now on I will make more of an effort to update more often.

Anyway I hope you like this chapter, please vote and comment ect... And it would be a huge help to me if you guys (Or girls) actually commented whenever you actually like this story or not.

Bye :D


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