Chapter O5- new conquests

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"Sana did you hear what I even said?" Annum waved her hand before a total zoned out Sanari. She shook her head as if bringing it back to reality.

"I don't know." She shrugged in frustration.

Amanda saw a distracted Sanari and a worried Annum sitting in the kitchen thought nothing much of what was troubling them both. "What up girls?" She started in her usual cheerful voice.
"Hey, Amanda!" Both the girls announced in unison.

"What's up with you both? Why such faces? " She gave them both a curt look and inquired in perturbed seriousness.

"Nothing much, just figuring out a life I guess," Annum answered with slightly shaking her head.

Amanda knew well of their inevitable situation. She even knew about Behlul's intruding and his past relationship with Sanari.

Sanari somehow formed a bond with Amanda after her father passed away. And pouring out her worries and deep scars from the past felt like a very natural thing to do. Maybe she never understood or knew how being around a motherly figure felt like and somewhere in Amanda, she quenches her thirst of compassion and emotional stability. She was the second outsider that knew about all of Sanari's secrets apart from Haani Fateen. His mere thought made her cringe in emotional pain.

The morning she told him she wanted to accept his proposal, he had walked out on her with a curt 'no' and didn't show up for three days now. He'd leave before sunrise and return after dawn, daily. The remaining time he'd trap himself in his studio and not a single soul would have any eminent clue of his existence. What kept going in that man's head was beyond intellectual understanding to Sanari. He seemed to be so projected in each criterion of life yet he seemed to go back on the proposition he laid for her.

Maybe he felt disgusted with her after she unfolded the rueful petals of her gloomy past. Maybe he was too high to accept anything that was already damaged and scratched. But then again, his reaction that morning signified otherwise to the swirling emotions within her. She read concern, disgust, anger, rage and so many other emotions through the openings of his soul; his eyes. He simply was a mysterious being but she was no less.

"Figuring out where to live? How to work it out?" Amanda answered back Annum. She nodded her head in obstructive defeat.

"We'll figure out something. Annum will move into the campus hostel and I'll try finding a suitable job I guess." But the question was where would she live even if she did find a job. Her home wasn't safe at the moment when Behlul and his people were probably out there. Amanda knew of it as well.

"You live with me while you find one." Amanda kind of ordered more than request.
"No, really I'd work someth-" She was cut mid-sentence when Amanda shook her head in a no. Now, there was no space to argue with her and she had to listen to how Amanda planned out things for them. For now, it felt right and sufficient.

Amanda was a widow with two children who left her on her own once they bloomed their ages and never once looked back. She developed a soft spot for both the girls instantly. Abdul had always talked about his daughters so fondly that his mere words made her form a connection with his girls. Their presence sort of filling gaps in her heart and she couldn't afford to see them struggle through the unjust of life anymore. She was going to take them under her protection.

Sanari had to find a job instantly. At times circumstances push you to brims where you get no option but to cross some of your own borders. Sticking to one major stream doesn't help you survive the drought, you got to wander around.


He watched the way wind made her skirt dance around her delicate body. He envied the wind's soft touches on her skin, mesmerising each fragment of her existence, breathing in the presence of her sweet scent. He wanted to be the wind but all he could do was watch her from afar.

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