Chapter 07- child's heart

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"Fiance?" Laila question in a pure British accent, her eyes wondering at Sanari in a pure inquiry.

"Yes, fiance. Isn't she remarkable?" Haani stated back at her in a voice full of humour. Laila pushed him back and got up from her seat, placing her things on a side table. She walked to where Sanari was standing, her heart reached up to her throat on seeing the lady approaching her.

She paused before her and took a moment to eye her in suspicion; "I'm more than surprised to see my nephew bringing in a girl that is fully covered head to toe and calling her his fiance. At this point, I'm wondering if something has possessed him. What is your name?" Haani rolled his eyes at her statement and Sanari seemed to have frozen on her spot.

"It's Sanari, she's a Muslim and stops scaring her off, Laila. What did you expect though?" He questioned her intriguingly.

Laila turned her head to eye him, "I didn't expect anything more than some barely clothed blond bimbo who didn't even have ethics to talk properly to an elderly woman." Sanari didn't know if she was taunting or disapproving.

Haani rolled his eyes in frustration at the memory, "That was just one time and the event required it or else I couldn't bear her a second as much as you couldn't." On seeing the nephew and aunt argue like this, Sanari suppressed a laugh. She never imagined someone who could have enough guts to irritate and taunt Haani Fateen like this.

"Yeah, great you just made her laugh at me." Haani pointed out. Laila turned to face Sanari with a smile, "I like this one, I hope she's not an act like your previous date to the event, are you?" She asked with a soft intriguing smile.

Sanari liked the way Laila was so welcoming. Instantly she eased up to her. "Umm no actually, he blackmailed me into marrying him." Sanari eyed Haani mischievously. "Did he?" Laila asked in an amused voice to which Haani shook his head in disapproval.

"Enough with both of you. Laila we had a long flight, we need to rest." Haani closed the case but she didn't seem to let go of the topic. She wanted to know what her nephew was up to this time and mostly she wanted to know why a girl like Sanari would tag along with his plots.

Haani entered the dinning after freshening up and saw Laila chopping some vegetables. She loved to do her tasks herself that's why she never agreed on getting maids to work for her. She noticed his brooding presence and at once thought of inquiring his plots, "How was your flight, did the girl settle in all fine?" Haani murmured a yes lazily.

"What are you up to Haani?" She questioned him without bothering to look up at him.

"Nothing" He shrugged. Laila put down her knife and eyed him curtly "Spill the beans." He loved her easy going with everything. Maybe that's why she enjoyed life even after too many tragedies.

"She's the daughter of Abdul..." He gave her a passive hint and waited for her chain of assumptions, "...who passed away and so you decided to pity his daughters by engaging one of them to yourself? As well as I know you, you're not that generous. What is there in it for you?" She stared at him in disbelief and taunted his grimness.

Laila knew everything about Haani's life and even about the people that were present in it. She'd keep tabs on him because he seemed to be the only family she was left with and she didn't want to lose him at any cost. That was how she knew about Abdul, who had worked for him for ages and recently passed away. She had even met him in person while she was at the villa once when Haani wasn't in the best of his health. They had talked about their lives, he had told her of his daughters and she had seen the quantum of love he had for them.

"I won't let you do that to her." She pointed her thin finger in Haani's direction, indicating pure disapproval. Haani dragged a chair and seated himself with ease.

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