Chapter 12- elusive losses

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Once you unveil someone's true colours, it is best to accept the reality of them and not try to repaint them with colours of your own liking because that won't change who they are. Sanari was far from repainting Haani Fateen's reality.

Ella and Marcus seemed beyond shocked over the relevance. At once he understood why Haani married her. He understood his reasons. He understood the bitter reality that he used her. He understood that marriage with Sanari wasn't a genuine commitment but a business deal. He married her only for his own reasons. And for the first time, he felt disgusted with him.

Recollecting herself, tears of defeat started streaming down her face. She raised her head and looked at him with a look that spoke nothing but betrayal. "You knew it didn't you?" She accused him of a broken heart. Marcus seemed defenceless, yes, he knew Haani was playing at something but he didn't know he was exploiting her beyond disgrace. Somewhere he felt being part of his vile schemes. He felt guilty for hoping and believing Haani would move on and fall in love again.

Instantly her defeat ignited her and she stood up in pure fury, "you knew it all. You knew he was playing me, he was using me. This marriage was nothing more than a business deal to him, he gets what he wants, he gets under my skin, see me bare and when he's done, he hands me a bundle of money and trashes me. That's what he was doing all along. I was so stupid to believe he was different, YOU were different. You're all the same. You're all the same selfish and self-obsessed with your own desires and nothing beyond that matters to you. Neither someone's dignity or modesty or respect nor emotions, nothing..." she shook her head in tears and pain.

Ella tried to calm her down but she pushed away from her hand, "what did you get from this? Tell me?" She asked with a voice laced with defeat misery.

"I didn't know he was playing you. I didn't know this marriage was a proposition. I thought he was trying to move on." Marcus spoke of his innocence, leaving out the fact that he knew he was planning on leaving her.

"But you knew he loves someone else. You knew he is with someone else yet you didn't tell me. Is that fair? Is it fair to me or even to her? Does she know even?" With that question, Sanari understood why Haani didn't want their marriage to come out in the open.

"No!" Was his curt and hurting reply. "She can never know."

"Then I'll tell her." Sanari almost snarled.

Shaking his head he looked at Ella and then her, "if he was with her Sanari, he wouldn't have been with you and that's what stopped me from telling you."

"What kind of a person are you? How can he do this to her, to me?"

Marcus cared about her but atop of that, he cared about Haani. No matter what he had done or how disgusted Marcus felt with him, he was still that one person who stood by him in time of need. Marcus had seen him suffer too, he had seen him break and he acknowledged his doings unfair but he couldn't hear Sanari accuse him of something out of nature. "He couldn't do this to her is why he's been holding back from falling in love with you but the idiot doesn't realise he's already in love with you. " His voice rose. Ella took his hand to calm him down. Sanari stared at him with wide eyes. Marcus muttered something to Ella and she closed her eyes in pain. She turned towards Sanari and tried to settle her down.

"I know what Haani has done to you is wrong in every sense of the world but neither of us know his intentions, do we? To understand the nature of his doings you have to understand him first. To question his feelings and love, you have to acknowledge the fact that he's a complicated man, Sanari." Sanari turned her head away from her since nothing she said explained Haani's cruelty.

"I've known Haani for years." Marcus spoke, "we've been friends for a very long time and I do see how inhuman he's turned towards you by exploiting you like this but I also knows he's a lot more than what he lets on  about himself. When I met you Sanari, I saw hope for him to let go of his past, let go of his pain, let go of her. I didn't realise it would be this hard for him to accept his feelings towards you. To give himself a chance at love again." Sanari stayed silent in her pain.

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