The Beginning Chapter 1

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The music's blaring, my heads a bit fuzzy, everyone just looked like blurs. My best friend Xaivier is next to me telling me something, but I can't hear him. I guess I drank a little too much. Before I know it, Xaivier is rushing me to the bathroom and I sit there with my head in the toilet for 5-6 minutes.
"Feel better?" Xaivier asks.
"A little, at least I can see clearly and my heads not fuzzy anymore" I reply.
"I think we sho-" Xaivier gets cut off by the sounds of sirens wailing.
The music stopped and the power went out.
"What the hell?" I mumble.
Not long after there was a screaming, a lot of screaming. The sound of glass shattering filled the house. What once was the party of the year turned into the day we lost humanity.
"Shit!" Xaivier starts to panic.
"We need to get back to my house" I say as calmly as possible.
He nods and follows me. I look down the hall and there's no one there so we move further down. The smell of blood covers the house. I peer around the corner and I regret my decision right away. There on the living room floor is this crazy person eating another person. I make my way to the kitchen and grab a knife, I need to be prepared to protect myself. Xaivier bumps into a pan knocking it down with a loud bang. Before I can say anything the crazy person looks up at us and start to come near us. I see now, this is not a person. He has cuts and blood all over him. His clothes are torn and there is chunks of his skin missing. I hadn't realized how close he'd gotten before I knew it he basically was on top of me. I quickly stab him causing him to fall to the ground. Me and Xaivier run to the car and drive to my house. I run around my house and find my mom, dad, sister, and my sisters friend all safe. We tell them of what happened at the party and that's when my dad tells us something we did not expect. Dad had never talked about his job much, it had to be kept secret, he told us about all the experiments they were conducting there, he told us what we saw was not a human but a zombie. He told us of a safe house he's been building with high, electrical fences. It had its own power source, a lot of food, and weapons. He told us to pack our things. I grabbed all my clothes,  laptop, phone, charging cords, and my journal along with all my art stuff. The car was all packed it was time to go. I looked at the house as we drove away and thought to myself, this is life we must leave behind.

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