The Battle Begins

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Rainbow Dash and Zecora were pinned down behind a fallen chunk of ceiling as magical blasts and lightning rained down upon them. On the other side of the shaking throne room, the Shadowbolts fought to stay upright as their enraged Mistress shook the room with her spells.

“Master!” The lead Shadowbolt called out a warning. “The palace is falling apart!” She quailed under the furious gaze of Nightmare Moon but apparently her warning was heeded for she stopped her attack.

“Find them!” She snapped at the Shadowbolts. “Do not let them escape!” This was easier said than done, for all the dust and debris still hung in the air, effectively shielding the pegasus and zebra from sight as they planned their next move.

Rainbow Dash crouched low as one of the pegasi of darkness flew overhead, looking this way and that for them. “Do you still have that weird illusion powder of yours?” She whispered softly. Zecora nodded, not understanding what the hot-tempered pegasus was up to. Dash smiled. “Good. Here’s what I want you to do…”

The Shadowbolt captain flew around the large throne room, brushing aside the dust and smoke in the air as she beat her wings, looking for her captives. Then out of the corner of her eye she caught a flicker of movement from behind one of the pillars holding up what was left of the roof. She quickly flitted behind it, voice ready to let out a shout of triumph for her fellows—instead she was greeted by a ghostly green apparition. A small unicorn filly so young that she didn’t even have her cutie mark yet. Her eyes wavering as she looked up, she let out a soft “Mama?”

Something in the Shadowbolt’s heart constricted as she recognized her…or what she was a representation of, at any rate. It was Dinky Doo, daughter of Ditzy Doo. The Shadowbolt squelched the feelings from the body she was wearing as irrelevant. She turned to walk away but her hooves refused to budge. “What sorcery is this?” She spat.

“Mama…” The ghostly Dinky begged, her face crunching up in a sniffle as she fought the urge the cry. “I want my m-mama…”

The Shadowbolt covered her head with her hooves. “Stop it! Show yourself!”

Rainbow Dash stepped out from behind a pillar, the mist gently curling around her. “I’m right here Ditzy.”

The captain’s twisted gargoyle-like wings flapped angrily, her gold goggles flashing. “I am NOT Ditzy Doo!”

Dash shoved her muzzle right into her face. “Yes, you are! You. Are. Ditzy Doo! You live in Ponyville—you’re a weather worker and a mail mare. You love muffins and are one of the sweetest ponies around. You’re clumsy, off-kilter and a silly pony sometimes, but you always try your best and everypony loves you for it. You’re always cheery and a great friend.” She wrapped a wing around her. “Whenever I needed somepony to give me a hoof, you were always there for me…just like you’ve been there for your daughter.” She pointed at Dinky.

“D-daughter…” The Shadowbolt stuttered.

“Yeah…the sweetest little filly ever and she’s your daughter. She loves you to death and right now, she misses you. You’re her hero. She NEEDS you. Come back to her.” Rainbow Dash urged.

The Shadowbolt covered her head with her hooves. “You…belong to me.” Nightmare Moon’s voice echoed within Ditzy’s own head.

“C’mon Ditzy, I know you’re in there!” Rainbow Dash hugged her. “Fight it!”

"I—I belong t-to…to….” The Shadowbolt closed her eyes. It was Ditzy Doo who opened them. “I belong to…no…pony!” With an agonized scream, something snapped. The other two Shadowbolts—formerly the royal pegasi guards Steelwing and Silver Lining, also held their heads and screamed as Nightmare Moon’s hold was broken, the three of them bound together by her dark magic.

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