Revealations and Royalty

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The shimmering white alicorn strode forth as daylight bloomed behind her. She stretched her wings and tilted her head back. Yes, Celestia was back.

Everypony in the room stood ramrod still until they finally remembered to bow. The silence was broken by Rainbow Dash’s enthused cry. “CELESTIA!” She bolted over to her mentor, tears of joy glistening in her eyes.

Smiling beatifically, Celestia rested her neck on Rainbow Dash’s, her wing resting on Dash’s back. “Rainbow Dash, my loyal student.” Her voice radiated kindness and warmth. Rainbow closed her eyes, letting Celestia sooth her, burying her face in Celestia’s side. It was a perfect moment.

That ended suddenly when Rainbow Dash snapped her head up in realization. “WHAT THE HAY?!”

“Rainbow Dash?” Came the soft, gentle query.

The anxious pegasus backed away, almost trembling with repressed emotions that ran the gamut from insanely delighted to blood-boiling furious. “You heard me!” She barked at the Princess of the Sun, indifferent to the looks of shock and horror she was receiving from her friends. “What is this?! I thought you were dead! And now you show up after everything’s over without an explanation, just a smile and a pat on the head, ‘good job, Rainbow Dash.’ Nu-uh!” She shook her head. “This isn’t gonna fly! I want to know exactly what the hay’s going on, right now!”

Celestia bowed her head to her temperamental student. “You are right, I do have much to answer for and I promise, I will explain everything.” She raised her head and looked at something behind Dash. “But everything is not over yet.” Celestia walked forward, her hoofsteps ringing loud and clear on the stone floor. Rainbow turned just in time to see Celestia stop before the fallen and shaking alicorn who was once the fierce and terrible Nightmare Moon. Everypony held their breath.

Celestia extended her hoof, bringing it slowly towards her face. The shivering smaller alicorn trembled and looked away, as if expecting a blow to fall on her. Instead, Celestia gently stroked her cheek, before resting her hoof on her shoulder. “Princess Luna…” Rainbow Dash gave a small start before staring in shock, as was everypony else present. “It’s been a thousand years since I’ve seen you like this…” She knelt down next to her.

Dash’s flapped her wings anxiously. “Celestia, don’t! She’s—”

“My little sister.” Finished the sun princess softly.

“SISTER?!” Everypony repeated in shock.

Pinkie Pie gasped. “That can’t be true…it’s impossible!” She paused. “No, wait, actually when you think about it, it was kinda obvious…”

“Shh!” Hissed Rarity.

Rainbow Dash was gobsmacked. “S-sister?” Her wings trembled. “Nightmare Moon is your SISTER?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, not Nightmare Moon: Luna. Nightmare Moon was a creature of darkness born out of jealousy and bitterness. It eventually overwhelmed and subsumed Luna from the inside out and turned her into the villain you defeated.”

To say Rainbow Dash looked skeptical would do as understatement of the year until the next one came along. “A huh.” She said noncommittally. Seeing her disbelief, Celestia shook her head.

“I know this is a lot to take in and accept…but believe me, you have nothing more to fear from Nightmare Moon. She is gone forever.” She laid her wing across Luna’s back. “And now I have my sister back…thanks to you. Thank you, thank you all.”

Applejack inclined her head, removing her hat with one hoof. “Aw, shucks your highness, tweren’t nothing. Well, ah mean, glad to be of service?”

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