Hand Clap Games ~ Thor Imagine

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"Come, Lady (Y/N)...let us go join the others." my Thunder God says as he pulls on a pair of sweatpants that are just a little too tight for him.

"But Thor...I wanna stay in bed all day." I whine, pulling the sheet tighter around my bare body and pouting at him. He smirks a little, walking back over to the bed.

"Come, my love." he says, pressing a kiss to my forehead before he picks up one of his t-shirts and hands it to me. Reluctantly, I pull it over my head before stumbling out of bed and towards the dresser so I can pull on a pair of panties.


"No...like this." I say to Thor, repeating what I've had to show him several times with a small smile.

"Are you sure you played this as a child, Lady (Y/N)?" he asks. "This is very confusing." he says as he continues to mimic my slow hand movements.

"Yes babe...I used to do this all the time with my friends."

"Okay...will you show me again slowly?" Nodding, I turn to Natasha and hold my hands up in fists. She mirrors me before we repeat the words I had taught her earlier while everyone had a day off.

"Double double this this, double double that that, double this, double that, double double this that." we say in unison.

"I don't understand..." Thor mumbles. "What is the point of this so called game?"

"You get faster every time you do it until someone screws up...the person who does mess up, wins." I say.

"Okay...let us try again." he says, pulling me back around to face him. Holding my hands up again, Thor presses his to mine.

"Ready? We'll go slow." I say. He nods, too focused on what he's supposed to do to answer me.

"Double double this this...double double that that...double this...double that...double double this that." we say together only for Thor to jump up and cheer when he gets through it with no problem. What he doesn't realize, is that when he jumps up, Mjölnir falls from his lap into mine. I don't even attempt to push the hammer off my lap because I know it won't move. Thor hears my groan and turns to look at me.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Lady (Y/N)!" he says before picking up the hammer and placing it on Tony's coffee table. "Shall we try it a little faster?" he asks, sitting back down beside me.

"Sure." I say, pulling my legs up underneath me and getting comfortable.


We sit there for another 25 minutes, gradually getting faster and faster until eventually I'm the one that screws up. Immediately everyone is gloating and making jokes about the Thunder God being better at the game than I am. Joining in on the joking and the laughter, I get up and exaggerate a little bow, laughing the whole time.

"Do you know anymore of these funny little games?" Thor asks, looking like an excited golden retriever puppy.

"A couple..." I say slowly.

"Will you teach us?!" he asks, bouncing in his seat a little. Looking around the room, I get nods from several people around the room including Steve who is still practicing the first game with Wanda and Natasha who is trying to teach Clint.

"Okay...fine." I say with a little smile. Immediately everyone turns their attention to me. "Let's see...this ones called 'High-Low Pica Low'." Holding out my hands in a sideways prayer-like position, I face the curious eyes of my peers. "I'll demonstrate solo first."

"Wait...I think I know this one!" Nat says from in front of me. Sitting up on her knees so she's level with me, she holds out her hands like I am. "Let's do this."

"My name is high low pica low, pica low high low, high low pica low, pica low yo!" we say quickly at the same time. When we get through it without a problem and quite quickly, everyone else gives a little cheer.

"Let me try." Clint says, getting up from his spot beside Natasha and plopping down beside me so that I'm sitting between him and Thor.


Hours later, my hands are sore from rounds of slapping hands with everybody.

"These weird little games are quite fun." Thor says quietly in my ear as we watch the others continue to slap hands. Getting tired, I stopped a few minutes ago as my eyelids started to droop. "Are you tired, Lady (Y/N)?" he asks, pulling me into his side. Dropping my head on his shoulder, I barely have the energy to nod slightly before my eyes shut completely.


I'm not sure how long I've been asleep, but I blink open my eyes when feel the couch drop from underneath me.

"Go back to sleep, Lady (Y/N)...I am just moving you to a more comfortable place." Thor whispers as he carries me down the halls away from the living room and towards our bedroom. Doing as I'm told, I press my face into his bare shoulder and close my eyes as he continues down the hall.

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