Chaser ~Tony (smut) with a bit of Bruce at the beginning

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"Damn it..." I mumble to myself as I mess up my eyeliner for the third time. "Screw it...they've seen me covered in blood, sweat, and dirt...they can see me without makeup." I say, proceeding to wipe it all off my face. There's a quiet knock on the bathroom door, which I assume is from my boyfriend Bruce.

"Ready?" That's all I really get from him anymore. No 'are you ready, beautiful?' or 'you don't need makeup, gorgeous.'

"You go ahead...I'll be down in a few minutes." I say. There's no reply but I hear his footsteps leaving our section of the Avengers tower. I know he doesn't love me anymore, it's obvious to everyone, but he's doesn't want to hurt me and I love him too much to let him go. Taking a deep breath, I open the bathroom door and leave our room, heading for Tony's party. I don't look for Bruce when I get there because I know he'll be with her. No, I don't hate her, she's one of my best friends but I can't see them hurts. I make my way to Tony who's behind the bar.

"What can I get you to drink, gorgeous?" he smirks.

"The strongest you've got...preferably something 100-proof." I mumble. Tony gives me a strange look before grabbing a bottle of Bacardi 151 and pouring a little in a glass.

"Do you want a chaser or something to go with that?" he asks, concerned for why I'm drinking like this when I usually only have a single martini.

"No...I need to erase some thoughts from my mind and this will work perfectly." I say, upending the glass and wincing slightly when the amber liquid runs down my throat.

"You took that like a did you do that without wanting to cry?" Tony asks, shocked that a girl as small as me could do that. I'm about to answer when Bruce taps my shoulder. Turning around, I give him a small smile.

"You look nice." he says quietly.

" we talk for a minute?" I ask barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, of course." he says sitting beside me on the empty stool. I give Tony a look and he promptly moves to the other end of the bar. "Is everything okay, (Y/N)?"

"No,'s not." I say quietly. God this is gonna hurt. "I know when you're looking at me that you're thinking of her and I'm done letting you be my heartbreaker. I know that you never wanted to hurt me but breaking up with me would've hurt less than watching you look at her longingly from across the room while I sit beside you." I say, proud of myself that I haven't cried yet.

"What are you-"

"Don't Bruce...I know you don't love me love her, you love Natasha...and I'm okay with that. You deserve to be happy whether it's with me or not, so I'm not gonna be selfish anymore and I'm gonna let you chase her." I cut him off, slipping the promise ring he gave me off my finger and into his hand.


"Go Bruce...she's waiting for you." I say, glancing over his shoulder at Natasha and give her a small sad smile. Bruce's eyes trail over my face once more before he slowly gets up and walks back to Nat. I can't watch what happens between the two so I turn back to the bar, watching as Tony walks back down to me.

"You okay?" he asks. I look up and meet his eyes before shaking my head. He immediately sets to work on my usual martini but when he's done, he doesn't give it to me. He calls Happy over to man the bar before he pulls me from my seat and to the other side of the room, away from Natasha and Bruce. Once we're away from them, he hands me my martini which I immediately chug down all in one breath. "Easy there, tiger...I don't want you to end up inebriated." Tony chuckles and takes the empty glass from my hand. "Do you want to tell me what happened between you and Bruce?"

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