Daddy Stark Imagine

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"Babe?" Tony called from the hall.

"I'm in our office, Mr Stark." I call back. I can hear him walking down the hall towards me as he mumbles stuff to JARVIS. With my back to the door, I continue to pick up the various papers that Tony and I have left all over the place and proceed to tuck them into their appropriate folders.

"Thank you, JARVIS." he says as he steps into our room.

"Of course, Mr Stark...anything else?"

"No." Tony says.

"Thank you..." I grumble, trying to get Tony to remember his manners.

"Thank you, JARVIS." he repeats, walking towards me. "What are you doing?" Tony asks, wrapping his arms around me from behind me.

"Cleaning up our mess." I say as I tuck the last pieces of paper away.

"You mean your mess?" he asks, pressing a kiss to my temple.

"'s mostly your mess." I smirk, nudging him gently in the ribs. Groaning, he tightens his arms around me and buries his face in my neck.

"What are your plans for after your little clean up?" Tony asks, pressing soft kisses to the exposed skin of my shoulder and neck.

"Trying not to have breakfast make a reappearance." I groan and rub my hand over my, no longer flat, stomach.

"Still feeling nauseous?" he asks, turning me around to face him.

"A little bit." I say leaning against the desk behind me. Tony places his hands on my stomach before he kneels down in front of me, his face level with the bump.

"Hi little's daddy." he says quietly. "Do you think you can stop making mommy nauseous for a little while so she can get ready for the gala she forgot about?" he continues with a smirk before looking up at me.

"Crap...Tony I'm-"

"Hey it's okay...I'm gonna go tinker with the new suit for a little bit, you go have a shower and get ready." he says getting up off the ground. He presses a small kiss to my forehead before walking out the office. Taking a deep breath, I walk down the hall to our room to have a shower.



"Yes, Mrs. Stark?"

"What's my tinkering husband doing right now?" I ask, trying to pull the zipper on my dress up again.

"He's in the shower in the lab."

"Can you inform him that I need his assistance when he's done?" I say and step out of the dress.

"Of course, Mrs. Stark...will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you, J." While waiting for Tony I decide to put my hair up in a triple French braid, double waterfall, high bun (sounds confusing right?).


Ten minutes later, as I'm pinning the last of my hair in place, Tony walks into the bedroom in one of his suits.

"I was told you needed my assistance." he says walking over to where I'm sitting on the floor in front of our standing mirror. "I don't see why though...I think you look good to go."

"Anthony Stark! I am not going to your gala in just my bra and panties." I grumble, slowly getting to my feet. "I couldn't get the zipper up on my dress." I say before walking over to bed where the offending material lays. Picking up the dress, I slide it up my legs and put my arms through the holes before turning my back to Tony. He steps forward and lightly trails his fingers up my back before grabbing the small zipper that sits at the base on my spine.

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