Safe~Bucky Imagine

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"Sargent Barnes? Captain Rogers? Dr Cho requests your presence ASAP." says the slightly robotic voice.

"What is it about, FRIDAY?" Bucky asks, not looking up from all the HYDRA intel in front of him and Steve.

"I believe Agents Romanoff and Barton have found your fiancé, Sargent." FRIDAY says. It takes all of 2 seconds for Bucky and Steve to head towards the door, rushing for the medical wing of the Avengers Tower.


"Where is she?" Bucky asks without preamble.

"She's in a room having some tests run-Sargent Barnes, you can't go in there!"

"Like hell I'm staying out here." Bucky says, ready to open every door until he finds you.

"Buck, I know you wanna see her but let the doctors run their tests...she's safe now." Steve says, grabbing Bucky's arm and pulling him back towards Dr Cho. "How is she?"

"She seems stable but she is a little skinnier than usual, I assume they fed her very little if anything at all. She's dehydrated and she has a large gash on the side of her head but scans come back good, there's no brain damage. Her ribs are black and blue so we're taking X-rays to see if any are broken or fractured and the same with her hands...she clearly put up a good fight." Dr Cho informs them.

"So she'll be fine?" Bucky asks, looking over the doctors shoulder to where various medical personnel are moving in and out of a room down the hall.

"She will make a full physical of right now we're not sure what kind of mental scars she'll have because she was unconscious when we found her and I believe she's still out." says Dr Cho. "You'll be able to go in and see her in a little bit, but I think this is yours Sargent." she continues before pulling a ring out of her pocket. "We had to take it off so we could take X-rays of her hands. When you go in, you can put it back on but be careful of the various IVs we started her on." Dr Cho finishes before handing Bucky the engagement ring and walking away.

"I'm surprized they didn't take it from her." Bucky mumbles, staring at the ring in his hand. Steve places a hand on his shoulder and squeezes gently as Natasha and Clint make their way towards them. In a very non-Bucky like move, he immediately wraps his arms around both of them. "Thank you...for finding her." he says quietly before letting go of them.

"You're very welcome, Bucky...remember, she means a lot to us too. We did everything we could to get her back as soon as possible." Clint says before stepping away from Natasha so Bucky can walk down the hall. The three of them watch as the former assassin makes his way towards the room you're in. Buck peeks through the little window to see you lying in a hospital bed with blankets drawn up to your chin and a small space heater turned on beside you. As he steps into the room, he purposely ignores the several tubes and wires leading from your body to the different machines. Bucky doesn't realize you're awake until you slowly turn your head towards him.

"Oh baby..." he mumbles, rushing to your side. Weakly, you lift your hand to cup his face and give him a small smile.

"Missed you, much." you say quietly before noticing something is missing from your hand. "Where's my-"

"Right here, beautiful." Bucky says, pulling his hand out of his pocket. "They had to take it off to take X-rays of your hands." he continues, slipping the ring back onto your finger and kissing your bruised hand.

"Gimme a kiss,'s been too long." you say, pulling gently on his long hair. He leans forward and presses a light kiss to your lips.

"Already tryna to make babies I see." Steve says with a grin as he walks in with Dr Cho.

"No need to try." Dr Cho says. "Some of the tests we ran say that (Y/N) is already pregnant." At this, the room goes silent and three jaws go slack. "No worries though, other tests ran conclude that she got pregnant BEFORE being kidnapped." At that, Steve lets out a breath and looks towards Bucky.

"Buck? You okay?" Steve asks, stepping towards his best friend. Bucky looks down at you with wide, shocked eyes before his face breaks out into a massive grin.

"I'm...I'm gonna be a...father." he says incredulously.

"Yes you are, Sargent Barnes...congratulations you two." Dr Cho says before leaving the room. Steve pats Bucky on the shoulder and squeezes your hand before also leaving.

"I'm gonna-did you know?" he asks.

"I had no idea, Buck." you say, linking your hand with his before placing them on your stomach.

"This last month has been so hard without you here." Bucky says, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"Come lay down with me." you say, shuffling over to make room for Bucky.

"I don't-"

"If you don't lay down with me, so help me god I will-"

"Okay okay...give me a second." he says, kicking off his boots and pulling off his hoodie. Bucky slides in beside you and gently wraps his flesh arm around your shoulders, his metal hand resting softly on your stomach. "Get some rest,'re safe now." Shuffling closer to him, you bury your face in his neck and drift off to sleep.


There will be a second part to this :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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