Break Up With Him~Steve Imagine

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Groaning quietly, I roll over and pick up my ringing cell phone.


"Hey (Y/N)."

"Steve? What's wrong?"

"I know it's late, but I knew you'd pick it up." he mumbles.

"Steve, are you drunk?" I ask, wondering how he could sound wasted even though he can't get drunk.

"No..." there's a long pause before he continues, "okay, maybe I do have a little buzz..."

"Is there something wrong, Steve?" I ask, quietly getting out of bed and leaving the room so I don't wake the man beside me.

"That song came on and I just thought what harm could come from one little call?" he mumbles.

"Steve? Are you okay? You're not making any sense..."

"I know you say you're taken, but I say you're taking to long to tell him that it's over." Steve says.


"Stringing him along any longer is just wasting precious time, you know it can't it off just like a bandaid. I see the way you look at me, you can't pretend...I know you ain't in love with him, break up with him." I know he's right but I don't want to break Alex's heart. "I know you don't wanna break his heart but that ain't no good reason to be keeping us apart. Just tell him, it's you, it ain't him, and maybe you can lie to him and say you'll still be friends...whatever you got to say to get through to him that you ain't in love. C'mon you can't deny that you and I kinda fit like a glove." Steve continues.

"Steve, I-"

"You would've hung up by now if you weren't thinking it too (Y/N). No pressure, whatever, just do what you gotta do, but if I was you I'd tell him that it's over then bring it on over because I know you ain't in love with him, break up with him."

"You're right, Steve...I'm not in love with him anymore but I don't want to hurt him either." I say quietly when the light in the bedroom flicks on and I hear footsteps coming towards me.

"(Y/N)? Is everything okay?" Alex asks, rubbing his eyes as he steps into the living room, watching me stand in front of the floor to ceiling windows.

"Yeah, fine...go back to bed." I mumble.

"Who's on the phone?" he asks stepping closer to me.

"It's just know how he always calls after a mission." I say.

"Is he okay? Usually he doesn't call this late..."

"He just got in, Alex...he's fine...go back to bed." Alex gives me a strange look but turns and walks back to the bedroom. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before returning my attention to Steve.

"Lying to him now?" Steve asks.

"You know he's never liked me and my friends risking our lives everyday...that little white lie sounded better than 'it's Steve convincing me to break up with you'." I mumble.

"The minute you break it off, you can come upstairs to my place while he packs his shit." Steve laughs lightly.

"You're so bad." I giggle. Steve continues to insult Alex but the movement from the bedroom distracts me. A few minutes later, Alex walks out wearing jeans and a sweater and carrying his duffel bag. "Where are you going?" I ask, listening to Steve go quiet.

"Home." Alex says, slipping his phone in his pocket and pulling on his shoes.

"Why?" I ask, stepping away from the window.

"I can't sleep here with you giggling with Mr. Perfect." he says, grabbing his wallet and keys off the table.

"He's not perfect...nobody is, Alex."

"He may not be 'perfect' perfect...but he's perfect for you." he says.

"What are you talking about, Alex?" I ask, vaguely aware that Steve can hear everything being said.

"He's known you longer than I have, he likes Bing Crosby like you do, he knows what it's like to put yourself in dangerous situations and he can look after you like I can't...he's better for you than I am."


"It's fine, really...I love you and I know Steve loves you but as much as I wish I could be the one for you, I know Steve is better for you." Alex says before walking towards the elevator.

"Alex, I'm-"

"It's not your fault." he says, kissing my forehead before stepping into the elevator. "Goodbye, (Y/N)." he says as the doors close. I stand there dumbfounded for a moment before Steve's voice brings me back to reality.


"I think I was just dumped..." I mumble.

"Come upstairs...I've got your favourite ice cream and movies." Steve says before hanging up. Feeling lighter than ever, I press the up button for the elevator not even caring that I'm just wearing an oversized t-shirt. When the doors open on Steve's floor, I step out only to be pushed up against the wall beside the elevator before Steve crushes his lips against mine. "I've been waiting to do that for so long." he says when he pulls away to breathe. Smiling slightly, I pull his lips back to mine.

"Me too." I mumble against them.

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